住宅小区项目设计合同 (中英文)

住宅小区项目设计合同 (中英文) DWELLING HOUSE PROJECT DESIGN AGREEMENT Agreement made as of: 协议签订日期: Between The Client: (PARTY A ) 业主: (甲方) And The Design Consultant: (PARTY B) 设计顾问: ( 乙方 ) For the following project

住宅小区项目设计合同 (中英文)



                              Agreement made as of:  协议签订日期: 


Between The Client:   (PARTY )业主:  (甲方)


And The Design Consultant: (PARTY B) 设计顾问:(乙方)


For the following project: PROJECT (the Project)  项目名称:项目(“项目”)


Project Description:项目概况:

Project (“the Project”) consists of 3 land Zones with 100000 m2 Zone A, 200000m2 Zone B and  200000   m2 Zone D which are located on West Side to     Road, Shanghai City, China. Zone A will be developed as a luxury residential area, Zone B will be developed as beach-front luxury commercial properties such as shops and restaurants , and Zone D will be a club house, a golf driving range and landscaped garden. In addition, 200000    m2 Zone C may be used for the further development of the Project. The details are shown in attachment 1 of the Agreement.

项目由坐落于中国上海市  路的100000平方米的A区、100000平方米的B区以及200000平方米的D区三个区域组成。A区将建成高档住宅;B区将建成海边高档店铺以及餐馆等商业物业;D区将有一个会所、一个高尔夫练习场以及景观花园。此外,200000平方米的C区将作为未来项目进一步发展的用地。详细情况在协议的附件1中进行了描述。


Party A will be the developer of the Project.   甲方将成为项目的开发商。


This Agreement is concluded to determine the rights and duties of both parties in regards to the above named project. The Agreement shall be in concordance with the relevant laws of the P.R China.

为确定双方在上述项目中的权利与义务, 特订立本协议。本协议应符合中华人民共和国相关法律的规定。


Language: All correspondence, meeting minutes, plans and project descriptions shall be bilingual in Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies the Chinese will prevail.



90% of the total design work will be conducted in the USA, in the Los Angeles Office of Party B.  Party B will only conduct the site visit and client meeting in China.




 As part of the Project’s mixed use development, based upon a Master plan by  (see attachment 1 of the Agreement) Design Consultant shall provide the following services:

作为项目综合用途开发的一部分,设计顾问应在    的总体规划(参见合同附件2)的基础上提供以下服务:


A.  Architectural Design of 1 Villas (see attachment 3 of the Agreement) with a total of approx.    m2. Design to Design Development Level + Typical Details + Artistic Site Supervision

1 幢别墅(参见合同附件3)的建筑设计,总面积约   平方米。设计深度:扩初设计+典型详图+艺术现场质量管理。


B.  Architectural Design of Approx.   m2 commercial development for shops and restaurants at waterfront (see attachment 3 of the Agreement). Design to Design Development Level + Typical Details + Artistic Site Supervision

滨海地区店铺和餐馆等商业性开发(参见合同附件3)的建筑设计,面积约   平方米。设计深度:扩初设计+典型详图+艺术现场质量管理


C.  Architectural Design of approx.    m2 hotel (see attachment 3 of the Agreement). The design services are limited to a conceptual study to visualize the potential of the site for resort hotel use.

酒店(参见合同附件3)的建筑设计,面积约   平方米。设计服务仅限于概念性研究以便设想该地块作为度假酒店的潜力。



 The project will be developed according to the following Phases




 Design Consultant will consult with the Client to develop a program and conceptualize possible solutions and analyze existing conditions.



Design Consultant will develop a Conceptual Design based upon the program. This will include written and graphic presentation. The graphic presentation will include plans and elevations, as well as 3-dimensional conceptual images of the design and other necessary means of communicating the design.

设计顾问将以此任务书为基础进行概念设计,包括文字和图纸方式的设计汇报成果。汇报图纸将包括空间的平、立面图、3d 设计概念图、以及其他必要的设计交流的方式。


The Initial Submission shall be Digital in PDF Format, and printed as 10 Colorful Brochures in A3 Format.

成果应包括PDF 格式的电子文件、以及10A3规格的彩色文本。


Within a 4 week period after the initial submission, the Design Consultant will revise the conceptual design according to Clients requirements and will prepare the following documents including A0 Panels for Government Presentation.

在提交初步成果4 周的时间内,设计顾问将根据业主要求修改概念设计,并负责准备下列向有关部门进行汇报的设计文件(包括A0展示板)。


Model   模型(1:750


Master plan  总体规划(1:750


Layout plans of characteristic zones 1:200



Elevations  立面图(1:200


Birds Eye View of entire Bay   整个海湾的鸟瞰图


2 Renderings of the Villas  别墅透视图(2 份)


3 Renderings of the commercial zone.   商业地带透视图(3 份)


3 Renderings of the Hotel    酒店透视图(3 份)


General descriptions of Design intention, Materials, Colors, Economic Data.




 Based on the approved Conceptual Design and approved program, Design Consultant will adjust the Design according to Clients requirements and develop the design to schematic design level; evaluate means of construction, materials, color schemes, and finishes for overall review. Design Consultant will consult with the executive architect about mechanical and structural matters concerning the Schematic Design, but will not perform any structural or mechanical services itself. In case the Client requests substantial changes in comparison to the previously approved Conceptual Design, additional design work shall be bid out separate of this contract or billed at an hourly rate.




 Based on the approved Schematic Design and approved program, Design Consultant will develop the design to design development level; evaluate means of construction, materials, color schemes, and finishes for overall review. Design Consultant will develop typical construction details for key design elements. Design Consultant will consult with the executive architect, general contractor and engineers about mechanical and structural matters concerning the Design Development but will not perform any structural or mechanical services itself. In case the Client requests substantial changes in comparison to the previously approved Schematic Design, additional design work shall be bid out separate of this contract or billed at an hourly rate.




 The client will hire an executive architect for this phase. Based on approved Design Development the executive architect or general contractor will produce the Construction Documents. Design Consultant reserves the right to keep the artistic supervision on the project and to consult the executive architect in this phase.






The client will hire an executive architect or general contractor for this phase. Design Consultant reserves the right to keep the artistic supervision on the project and to consult the executive architect or general contractor in this phase. Design Consultant will consult on any adjustments to the documents should there be any discrepancies between the existing conditions that arise after construction commences and the construction documents. The amount of site visits is limited to fifteen times as of this agreement. Any additional requested site visit shall be considered Additional Services and be compensated as such.




 Services not described above shall be considered to be Additional Services. Additional Services shall be provided only if authorized or confirmed in writing by the Client.  Additional Services shall include, but not be limited to:



2.1 Making revisions in drawings, specifications or other documents when such revisions to the design documents are inconsistent with approvals or instructions previously given by Client, including those made necessary by adjustments in Client’s program or budget.

2.1 与业主先前的确认或指示不一致的设计文件的修改(图纸、说明和其它文件的修改),包括因业主调整设计任务书或预算而进行的必要修改。


2.2 Making revisions required by enactment or revision of codes, laws or regulations subsequent to the preparation of Design Consultant ‘s documents.

2.2 根据设计顾问的文件编制完成之后才制定或修订的规范、法律或规定的要求而进行的设计修改。


2.3 Making changes required as a result of Client’s failure to render decisions in a timely manner.

2.3 由于业主未能已及时做出决定而需要进行的改动。


2.4 Providing services required because of significant changes in the Project, including size, schedule, materials, method of bidding or construction contracting or construction management.

2.4 因工程的重大变化(包括工程规模、进度、材料、招标方法、或施工承包或施工管理等)的要求而提供的相应服务。


2.5 Preparing documents evaluating Contractor’s proposals, and providing other services in connection with Change Orders or Construction Proposals.

2.5 编制评估承包商投标书的文件,并提供其它与工程变更通知或施工投标书相关的服务。


2.6 Providing services in connection with Contractor’s request for substitutions.

2.6 提供与承包商的代理要求相关的服务。



 3.1 Client shall furnish to the Design Professional on a timely basis all information necessary and relevant for the Design Consultant to perform its work under this agreement.

3.1 业主将及时向设计专业人员提供设计顾问在本协议下开展工作所必需的所有相关资料。


3.2 Client shall designate a representative authorized to act on the Client’s behalf with respect to the Project. The Client or such designated representative shall render decisions in a timely manner in order to avoid unreasonable delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Design Consultant‘s services.

3.2 业主将委派一名代表业主的项目授权代表。业主或该授权代表应及时做出决定,以避免不合理地延误设计顾问有序而连续的服务。


3.3 Client shall provide to Design Consultant all documents establishing the legal parameters of the project, together with the most current depicting all improvements on the site. This information shall be at Client’s expense and Design Consultant shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of such information without taking any actions to verify it.

3.3 业主将向设计顾问提供设定本项目法定参数的所有文件、以及最新的反映施工现场所有进展的文件。此类资料的费用应由业主承担,设计顾问应有权依赖此类资料的准确性,而无需再行核实。


3.4 Client (hereafter “Indemnitor”) agrees to fully defend, fully indemnify, and fully hold harmless Design Consultant, and Design Consultant ‘s owners, shareholders, partners, directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives (hereafter “Indemnitees”) from and against the full amount of any and all claims of any kind whatsoever, including but without limitation attorney’s fees and costs, arising out of the project, brought by or through any third party, to the fullest extent permitted by law, with the exception that Client shall not have such indemnification obligations to Indemnities for such Indemnitees’ negligence or willful misconduct..

3.4 对于因工程的原因、由或通过任何第三者而产生的、任何类型的任何和所有索赔的全额,业主(以下称为赔偿人)同意,在法律允许的最大范围内提供为设计顾问、以及设计顾问的所有者、股东、董事、高级职员、雇员、代理人以及代表(以下称接受赔偿人)提供全面辩护、全面赔偿以及全面保护使其不受损害,范围包括但不限于律师费用和诉讼费;但是,业主对于接受赔偿人的疏忽或故意的过失不承担任何赔偿义务。


3.5 The client agrees to limit Design Consultant ´s liability to the Client, Client’s officers, directors, parties, employees and agents arising from Design Consultant ´s professional acts, errors or omissions to ××× as equivalent of the Fixed Fee for Basic Services.

3.5 业主同意,设计顾问因其专业行为、错误或遗漏、而应对业主、业主的高级职员、董事、当事人、雇员以及代理人等承担的责任限额为×××美元,即基本服务的定额费率。



 4.1 The Construction Budget will be administered by the executive architect or general contractor. Design Consultant will consult with the executive architect or general contractor to develop cost estimation. Fees to the executive architect or general contractor for cost estimation are not part of this agreement.

4.1 施工预算将由总建筑师或总承包人进行管理。设计顾问将就成本估算的编制与总建筑师或总承包人进行商讨。支付给总建筑师或总承包人进行成本估算的费用不属于本协议范围。


4.2 It is recognized that neither Design Consultant nor the Owner has control over the cost of labor, materials or equipment, over the Contractors methods of determining bid prices, or over competitive bidding, market or negotiating conditions. Accordingly, Design Consultant cannot and does not warrant or represent that bids or negotiated prices will vary from any estimate of Construction Cost or evaluation prepared or agreed to by the Design Consultant.

4.2 鉴于各方共识,即:设计顾问或业主均无法控制劳动力、材料和设备的价格、无法控制总承包人决定投标价格的方法、也无法控制竞标、市场或谈判的条件,则相应,设计顾问既不能、也不会担保或说明投标价格或谈判价格、与设计顾问编制或认同的任何建设成本估算或估价之间的差距。

5. PAYMENTS TO Design Con

Client shall compensate Design Consultant as follows.



Payments should be made to Design Consultant. The fee shall be paid in US $ according to the current exchange rate at the day of payment.



Design Consultant will invoice Client according to the design progress of each design subject, respectively each single Building Part. Payment shall be received by Design Consultant within 14 days after submission of the invoice. Design Consultant reserves the right to refuse to commence work before the previous phase is paid in full.

设计顾问将根据每一设计主题、每个单体建筑部分的设计进度向业主开具发票。设计顾问应在提交发票后的14 日内收到付款。在前一设计阶段的进度款项全额支付之前,设计顾问将有权拒绝开展设计工作。



 5.1.1  Part A Design of ×× Villas:

5.1.1  A 部分:×× 幢别墅的设计

 Design Consultant has determined a fixed fee of USD ××× for Basic Services to be performed by Design Consultant for Part A according to this agreement.

对于设计顾问在本协议项下所应提供的A 部分的基本服务,定额费率定为×××美元。


The fee is broken down as follows:  项目费用明细如下: Retainer   定金                 15%           USD Conceptual Design   概念设计     20%           USD Schematic Design    方案设计     30%           USD Design Development  初步设计     30%           USD On Completion    完工             5%         USD


Total     总计                           100%         USD


5. 1.2  Part B Design of Commercial Zone   B 部分:商业地带的设计


Design Consultant has determined a fixed fee of USD ××× for Basic Services to be performed by Design Consultant for Part B according to this agreement.

对于设计顾问在本协议项下所应提供的A 部分的基本服务,定额费率定为×××美元。


The fee is broken down as follows:  项目费用明细如下: Retainer   定金                 15%        USD Conceptual Design  概念设计     20%        USD Schematic Design   方案设计     30%        USD Design Development    初步设计  30%        USD On Completion     完工          5%         USD

Total    总计                           100%        USD


 5. 1.3  Part C Conceptual Study for Hotel    C部分:酒店的概念性研究 Retainer  定金                    50%        USD Conceptual Design  概念设计       50%        USD

Total  总计                               100%        USD


5.3 TAXES AND DUTIES   税费与关税

 All taxes and duties applicable in the USA are within the sole responsibility of Design Consultant.



All taxes and duties applicable in the P.R. China, are within the sole responsibility of the Client.



All Design work of Design Consultant will be performed in the USA, in the Los Angeles Office of Design Consultant.




 5.4.1. Travel expenses. Client will reimburse Design Consultant for 5 Star Hotel accommodation, and Economy Class Flight Tickets (no international flights).



5.4.2 Reimbursables. Client will reimburse extraordinary expenses of Design Consultant such as, but not limited to, large scale reproductions, samples, or presentation models and presentation renderings which are not included in the fee for basic services, and will be billed at cost + 20% service surcharge. Design Consultant will not cause such expenses without written approval by the Client.

5.4.2 报销费用:业主应报销设计顾问的特别费用,例如但不限于:基本服务的费率中未计入的大量复制文件、样品或设计汇报模型的费用,费用报销金额为:成本+20%的附加服务费。设计顾问在没有得到业主书面认可时将不会产生此类花费。


5.4.3 Fees for required approvals and possible consultant fees (i.e. Structural Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Lighting Consultant, Landscape Designer, etc.) are not included in this contract. Design Consultant will only hire consultants with the client’s written approval and payment by client as reimbursables.

5.4.3 所需批文的费用以及可能发生的咨询费(如:结构工程师,机械工程师等)未计入本合同。设计顾问将只能在业主书面同意、并报销所需费用的条件下聘请咨询方。


5.4.4 No deductions, offsets, or withholdings shall be made from Design Consultant’s compensation on account of penalty, liquidated damages, or other sums withheld from payments to contractors, or an account of the cost of changes in the Project, or for other claims that Client may assert other than those for which Design Consultant has been adjudged to be liable.

5.4.4 业主不得以罚金、清算损失为理由、或以其它应从支付给承包人的款项中扣除的金额为理由、或以项目成本变化为理由、或以业主提出的其他索赔(设计顾问已经被判决应负责的索赔除外)为理由,而减除、抵扣或扣缴设计顾问的报酬。



 6.1. Conceptual Design Initial Presentation.

6.1.概念设计预计于    日进行初步设计汇报。

 6.2. Revised Conceptual Design Presentation .

6.2.概念设计修改预计于    日进行设计汇报。


6.3 The Schedule for the Schematic + Design Development phase will be determined in an amendment to this agreement after the conceptual phase is completed.

6.3 方案设计和初步设计阶段的设计进度安排将在概念设计阶段完成之后、以本协议书修改的形式再行确定。



 Any claim, dispute or other matter in question arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be subject to mediation as a condition precedent to arbitration or the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either party, with the exception that Design Consultant may perform those acts necessary to preserve lien rights prior to resolution of the matter by mediation. The parties shall share the mediation fee and any filing or administrative fees equally.



If no consent can be reached by mediation, both parties have the right to plead in front of the “China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)”in Shanghai. The arbitrage of the CIETAC shall be final and authorative for all parties.

如经调解无法达成一致意见, 双方有权向上海的中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)提请仲裁。 该委员会的仲裁裁决为最终裁决,并对各方均有约束力。



 The Client and Design Consultant waive claims for consequential and economic damages arising out of the Project. This mutual waiver is applicable as well to claims arising out of either party’s termination of the Agreement in accordance with the terms herein.




 The Client shall own all right, title, and interest in and to the Visualizations and Drawings and all additions to, deletions from, alterations of or revisions in the Visualizations and Drawings, and all drafts, documents, notes, concepts, ideas suggestions, and approaches related thereto or contained therein, or other materials developed or furnished by Design Consultant, and each element and part thereof. Design Consultant shall be considered the author of all Properties and will own the right of signatures for all Properties described above. Without the agreement from the Client, the Design Consultant may not use this design for other projects or provide the design to other parties. All design documents provided by Design Consultant to the client are intended for this project only, and may not be used by client for any other purpose. The Design Consultant shall have the right to include photographic or artistic representations of the design of the Project among the Design Consultant’s promotional and professional materials.




 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon 14 days written notice should the other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with its terms through no fault of the party initiating the termination, or in the event the client suspends or abandons the project, or Design Consultant ‘s services, in whole or in part. If the contract gets terminated without the substantial failure of Design Consultant to perform in accordance with this agreement, upon termination the Design Consultant shall be paid for all outstanding invoices, the full amount of all work performed and services provided plus reimbursable, up to the time of notice of termination or suspension, plus, any balances or re-stocking charges due to cancellation must be paid by client, together with an additional Termination Fee of 10% (ten percent) of the amount of agreed compensation for that portion of Basic Services which has not yet been performed.

当协议任何一方未能实质性地履行协议条款时,无过错的一方可通过 14 天提前书面通知而终止协议;当业主中止或终止本项目、或设计顾问的部分或全部服务时,一经任何协议一方的14 天提前书面通知,本协议即可终止。如果此合同在设计顾问执行协议内容无实质性过错的情况下被终止时,业主应支付设计顾问所有直到协议终止或中止时的未付发票金额、所有已完成的工作、以及已提供的服务加上应报销的费用;而且,业主必须支付因协议取消而产生的任何存货恢复费用、以及协议终止附加费,该附加费相当于基本服务中未实施工作部分的规定报酬的10%



 11.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the P.R. China.

11.1 本协议受中华人民共和国的法律管辖。


11.2 The Client and Design Consultant each bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither the Client nor the Design Professional shall assign this Agreement without the written consent of her other.

11.2 业主与设计顾问各方,其本身、其合作伙伴、继承者、受让人和法人代表,对本协议的另一方、以及本协议所有协议方其它相关各方的合作伙伴、继承人、受让人和法人代表承担本协议的义务。业主与设计顾问在无对方书面同意的情况下不应进行本协议的转让。


11.3 This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Client and the Design Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Client and Design Consultant.

11.3 本协议为业主与设计顾问之间全部和完整的协议,并取代所有之前的书面或口头的谈判、陈述或协议。本协议的修改只能通过业主与设计顾问双方签署的书面同意文件进行。


11.4 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the Client or the Design Consultant.

11.4 本协议中的任何内容将不构成与任何第三者的合同关系、或成为不利于业主或设计顾问而有利于任何第三方的行动的理由。


11.5 Any claims, arbitration demands, or lawsuits arising out of services provided by Design Consultant shall be brought only against Design Consultant, and not against any of Design Consultant‘s owners, shareholders, directors, officers, partners, employees, agents or representatives.

11.5 因设计顾问所提供的服务而引起的任何索赔、仲裁要求,或诉讼等,应只针对设计顾问,而不针对设计顾问的所有者、股东、董事、高级职员、合伙人、雇员、代理人或代表。


11.6 To the extent that damages are covered by property insurance during construction, Client and Design Consultant waive all rights against the other and their owners, shareholders, partners, directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives.

11.6 对于施工过程中出现的财产保险保障范围内的损失,业主和设计顾问放弃追究对方及其所有者、股东、合伙人、董事、高级职员、雇员、代理人或代表的全部责任。


12. APPROVAL. 协议的批准

 Your signature below represents the authority to work on your behalf on this project.







 By:   签字人                               By: 签字人