
AML shall mean Approved Manufacturers’ and Suppliers’ List   
Contract shall mean agreement between Owner and EPC Contractor
Contractor shall mean EPC Contractor   
CIQ shall mean Chinese Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau
MMP shall mean the Material Management Plan   
NCR shall mean Non conformance Report   
OS&D shall mean Overage, Shortage and Damage report     
Owner shall mean China National Offshore Oil Corporation    
PCP shall mean the Procurement Co-ordination Procedure  
PMI shall mean Positive Material Identification   
PRC shall mean the Peoples’ Republic of China  
SQS shall mean Supplier Quality Surveillance    
WCP shall mean Warehouse Co-ordination Procedure 
WCO shall mean World Customs Organisation
2.Materials Management 材料管理
Contractor will appoint a Materials Manager to liaise with the Owner regarding all material management and procurement activities.
The Owner will be given full access to all Contractor’s procurement files.
2.1Material Management Plan材料管理计划 (MMP)
Contractor shall produce a Material Management Plan detailing activities and controls necessary to ensure package units, equipment and bulk materials are delivered to site prior to the “Required at Site Dates” and confirming that the Construction requirements for all materials are addressed in the proper sequence to comply with planned Site Construction Schedule. The MMP shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Owner within 21 days of Contract Award Notification. 承包商应制订一份材料管理计划,详细说明所有必要的工作及控制措施,以确保在“要求到场的日期”前将成套单元、设备及散装材料交至现场、并确认所有材料的施工要求及程序完全符合现场施工计划的规定。详细的材料管理计划应于“合同授予通知”后21天内提交业主审批,但在投标书中应注明以下的内容。
The Material Management Plan shall include the following:
Policy statement材料管理策略
Material Management - Procurement strategies 
Material Management – Site Administration and Warehousing strategies
Material Management, Procurement & Site organization chart, indicating key positions
Materials Management, Procurement & Site staffing plan
Named personnel with current resumes for “key positions”
2.2.Material Management - Procurement & Warehousing System
材料管理-采购及 仓储系统
The Contractor shall employ a computerised Procurement & Warehousing System to track, monitor and control all items requiring procurement from Material Take-offs, Requisitions, Bidders Lists, Invitation to Bid, Commercial Bid Evaluations, Purchase Orders, Supplier Documentation, Expediting, Inspection and all the necessary Site Planning, Material Receipt, Inspection, Storage, Issuance and Material Reconciliation to ensure all activities are completed in a timely manner, and that Material Receipts at site are scheduled and actually arrive, as required to support the Project Construction Schedule.
3.Procurement Co-ordination Procedure 采购协调程序(PCP)
The Contractor shall produce a Procurement Co-ordination Procedure, designed for the Project covering all Procurement activities as required within the Contract. The PCP shall include the Contractor’s Supplier selection criteria and selection process, based upon life cycle value, delivery and technical merit, as well as price. The PCP shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Owner within 21 days of Contract award.
The PCP shall address the following:采购协调程序应对以下内容作出说明:
Detail the particular Invitation and Submission of Bid Laws the Contractor proposes to adopt within their tendering procedure. 
Strategies and Procedures to ensure the overall control and co-ordination of all procurement activities, maintain all necessary records, issue all reports and take the necessary measures and required follow-up actions, for the successful and timely completion of the procurement function in accordance with the Procurement Categories detailed within Appendix 1.
为顺利及按时按照附件1中详述的采购分类完成采购任务而采用的各种策略及程序,以确保对所有采购工作的  全面控制及协调;所有必要记录的保存;各种报告的发布及所有必要措施的到位及跟踪。
Contractor will be required to accept the Assignment of Long Lead Equipment previously purchased by the Owner, detailed within Appendix 2.
Maximize Chinese content实现最大程度的国产化。
Pre-qualification of alternative Suppliers and price reduction for use of these  Suppliers
Contractor’s plans to use the services of the Supplier’s representatives during installation and commissioning
Statutory requirements of the Ministry of Labor of the PRC, regarding certification requirements for Pressure Containing and Pressure Regulating Equipment, such as pressure vessels, boilers, safety & relief valves, rupture discs etc.  中华人民共和国劳动部就承压及调压设备,如压力容器、锅炉、安全泄压阀、防爆膜等的认证要求所作的法律规定。
Contractor shall not Price the Equipment Items and Materials purchased by the Owner and detailed within Appendix 3.
Standardisation of key items of equipment and material will offer significant benefit to the Project from a commercial position and long term operations rationalisation. Owner is seeking to achieve maximum benefit whilst ensuring Contractor is not compromised in their ability to offer lowest installed costs within their lump sum tenders. Items where project standardisation will apply will be declared prior to EPC Contract Award. Owner will use Frame Agreements, as detailed within Appendix 5, the Contractor shall obtain pricing and availability from the nominated Frame agreement suppliers and will be responsible for the final Purchasing relationship with the selected Suppliers, including inspection, delivery, warranty compliance and the Supplier Invoice Payments.
从商业角度来看,实现关键设备的标准化将对项目及项目的长久合理运营极为有利。业主正在寻求实现利益的最大化,但同时将确保承包商在固定总价投标范围               内以最低安装费用实施工程的能力不致构成任何不利影响。项目的标准化内容将               在签署EPC合同之前宣布。业主将利用附件5中详述的框架/保护伞协议,承包商应当从指定的保护伞协议供应商处获得报价和物资是否可供货方面的信息,并应对其与选定供货商之间最终的采购关系负责,包括对检验、交货及相关保证的遵从,以及对供应商的发票付款等。
3.1 Reporting Requirements报告要求
The Contractor shall prepare with the PCP a reporting document, showing major milestones and events required in the procurement and materials management process. This document shall be updated on an ongoing basis and issued within 6 weeks of Contract award and then at least once every 2 weeks, the report shall show
Date as originally planned原始计划日期
Date as currently forecast当前预测日期
Date actual/complete 实际/完工日期
Comments / Remarks (explanation of late or changed delivery forecasts etc.) 
for each of the milestone, events, activities or document, listed below,
Date of issue of Bidders List for each enquiry每次询价时的投标人名录发布日期
Date of issue of requisitions for all equipment and materials 所有设备及材料的请购单发布日期
Date of receipt of completed bids 投标书的接收日期
Date of Contractors final commercial evaluation承包商最终商务标的评审日期
Date of Contractors final technical evaluation承包商最终商务标的评审日期
Date of Contractors Supplier selection承包商之供货商的选定日期
Date of issue of Purchase Order订单发布日期
Date of major inspection milestones主要检验里程碑日期
Date of final inspection最终检验日期
Date of suppliers Ex. works delivery promise date 供货商确定出厂交货承诺日期的日期
Date of issue of Customs Clearance and Shipping documentation清关及装运文件的发布日期
Date of actual Shipment Ex. works实际出厂装运日期
Date of arrival at Port of Entry 抵达进口港的日期
Date of clearance by Customs Authorities清关日期
Date collected from Port of Entry 自进口港算起的托收日期
Date received at Job site在工程现场的收货日期
3.2 Documentation Requirements文件要求
The following documentation shall be issued by the Contractor to the Owner, by MS Office Electronic file, plus the number of hard copies as noted.
Items marked * are “critical documents and must be supplied by the Contractor in bilingual Chinese and English, as required within General Terms & Conditions Article 25 – Language Requirement.
 带有“*”的事项为关键文档,且必须由“承包商”按照“通用条款条件”“ 第25条 语言要求”以英汉双语进行提供。
4.Purchase Order Assignment by Owner Refer Appendix 11 & 2
“业主”对“采购单”的转让     参见“附件11”与“附件2”
Contractor shall have accepted the Assignment of Purchase Orders previously placed by the Owner, for Long lead Equipment.
Contractor shall be required to Sign a DEED of Agreement, a draft of which is included as Appendix 11, this DEED will require the Contractor to complete, all procurement activities up to and including safe delivery to the site. Contractor shall be deemed to have included all costs and charges associated with the administration of these Purchase Orders within the Tendered Price, as detailed within appendix 1. During Assignment a detailed review of the condition of each Purchase order will be agreed between Owner and Contractor, establishing the outstanding work, to be completed by the Contractor.
5.Owner review and approval requirements of Procurement Activities
业主对 工作的审批要求      
Contractor’s and Owners responsibilities for each Procurement Category are   
confirmed below and further detailed within Appendix 1.
5.1Sole Source Approval         单一厂家审批
Owner shall review and approve all Sole Source Recommendations from the Contractor, the Contractor’s justification shall contain sufficient detail and explanation, as necessary to gain agreement from the Owner. 业主应对承包商提出的所有单一来源推荐作出审批;承包商提出的单一来源推荐之理由应含有充分的细节及说明,且应取得“业主”的同意。
5.2Approved Manufacturers and Suppliers List认可的制造厂家及供货商名录 (AML)
Owner will provide Contractor with the Project AML containing Domestic and Off-shore Suppliers qualified to meet the Project material requirement.
5.3Bidders List Approval投标人名录的审批
Owner shall approve the Contractors Bidders List for all Purchase Orders, the list shall contain a minimum of 3 (three) Bidders selected from the AML.
Owner reserves the right to approve other Suppliers than those contained within the AML. The contractor shall ensure his justification confirms the Supplier’s capabilities to supply materials to meet the Project specifications and schedule requirements and confirm the Suppliers financial solvency.
5.4Requisitions 请购单
Owner shall review all Contractors Enquiry Requisition packages, before issue to Suppliers to ensure they conform to the requirements of the Project Terms and Conditions and agreed AML, and any Special Terms and conditions recommended by the Contractor.
5.5Supplier Recommendation approval审批承包商推荐的供货商
Owner shall review and approve Commercial Evaluation of Supplier bids submitted to the Contractor, for Procurement Categories II
Owner shall review and approve the Technical Evaluation of supplier bids submitted to the contractor, for Procurement Categories II & III.
Owner shall Approve the Contractor’s recommended Supplier before award and as necessary the Supplier’s, Sub-Suppliers and / or Sub-Contractor, for Procurement Categories II, III & IV
Owner shall approve Contractors recommended Purchase Order and Purchase Order Amendments or Change Orders before issue to the Supplier, for Procurement Categories II, III & IV.
5.6 Procedures程序
Owner shall review the Contractors procedures and operations confirming the Administration of all Purchase Orders, including the assigned Long Lead Equipment Purchase Orders, previously purchased by the Owner.
5.7 Supplier Technical Documentation供货商的技术文件
Owner shall review the receipt and return of Technical Data to and from the Supplier and Contractor to support ongoing Engineering and Fabrication / Manufacture.
5.8 Expediting and Inspection Plans 催交及检验计划
Within 6 weeks of Contract Award the Contractor shall issue to the Owner for review and approval Expediting and Inspection Plans, confirming the basis for all activities necessary to ensure all Equipment and materials purchased by the Contractors or Assigned to the Contractor by the owner are supplied in accordance with the Project Quality requirements and delivered to support the Construction Schedule. Plan shall identify the methods for identifying, reporting and resolving Non conformance Reports (NCR’s)
5.9 Expediting and Inspection Assignments  催交及检验要求
Two weeks following Purchase order placement or immediately following, the Supplier kick-off meeting, the Contractor shall issue Expediting and Inspection Assignments, detailing the frequency of meetings and visits, the contractor deems necessary to ensure the quality and timely delivery of all Equipment and materials.
The Plans shall also detail any other QA/QC audits or inspections, proposed by the contractors and shall give the Owner a minimum of at least 1 weeks notice of all meetings to afford the Owner the opportunity of participating.
5.10 Expediting and Inspection Reports催交及检验报告
Contractor shall issue to the Owner copies of Expediting and Inspection reports  within 3 days following each visit.
Contractors shall allow Owner access to their Procurement Expediting system for review of comprehensive “desk expediting” reporting status of delivery dates for each    item and the status of Non Conformance Reports (NCR’s) and Overage, Shortage and Damage (OS&D’s) reports. 
Alternately the Contractor may submit to Owner bi-weekly Expediting Reports for          each Purchase Order, containing all of the above required information.
5.11 Supplier Representatives 供货商代表
Contractor shall be deemed to have included within their price all costs associated with visits to Site by Suppliers Representatives to support the Contractor during Construction.
Contractor shall also obtain bids with the parent Equipment bid, for continued supplier support, valid for 1 year following the date of commissioning.
5.12 Spares备件
Contractor shall purchase from Parent Equipment Suppliers their recommended Start-up, Commissioning and 2 Year Operational Spares, these Spares shall be delivered with the parent Equipment to ensure they obtain Duty and Tax Free importation, where applicable.
Contractor shall obtain bids from the Parent Equipment Supplier for their recommended 2 year Operational Spares, this information shall be supplied to the Owner, for approval. The Contractor shall ensure that the supplier has maximized interchangeability and minimized the number of Spares to be purchased.
5.13 Freight Forwarding 货物运输
Owner requires the Contractor to have responsibility for the delivery of all Equipment and materials from the Supplier to the Job Site.
The Contractor shall Contract with and use the services of a Freight Forwarding Agent, for the completion of forwarding and transportation. As a minimum the Contractor shall ensure the following activities are completed by the Forwarding Agent and issue all proposed solutions to the Owner for review and approval.
In 5.14 the Owner reserves the right to be responsible for any or all Heavy Lift items weighing 80 tons or greater and any or all Out-of-Gauge and Sea Freight items.
The contractor shall identify a separate Freight Forwarding price, within their Commercial Tender for each such item, these monies will be deducted from the Contractors Total Price, if the Owner decides to be responsible for Freight Forwarding any of all of these items.
Logistics and transportation survey物流及运输调查;
Heavy Lift solutions大型设备吊装方案;
Out-of gauge items with packing dimensions that will not allow delivery by               commercial road trailers or standard railcars and shipments requiring Special                  Permit for transportation on Public Road or Railroad. 对于超大设备,若该设备连同其包装的体积太大,不能用商用公路拖车或标准火车运输,该货物因此需要获得的公路或铁路运输特别许可。
Handling requirements for vulnerable and fragile items such as electronic equipment易破、易碎设备,如电子器件的搬运要求;
All transportation from Supplier to port of exit 自供货商至出口港的所有运输;
All ocean freight所有海运;
All air freight所有空运;
Control system for tracking the location of all cargoes from point of collection to point of delivery控制系统,用于所有货物从托收地至交货地的跟踪;
All inland freight from onshore Suppliers or port of importation to Job Site从国内供货商或进口港至工程现场的所有内陆运输
5.14 (Alternate) Heavy Lift , Out-of-Gauge and Sea Freight Forwarding (业主可选择)大件吊装、超大物资运输和海运货代
Owner reserves the right to be responsible for Freight Forwarding any or all items of           Heavy Lift items weighing 80tons or greater and any or all Out-of-Gauge and Sea           Freight items, in this case the Owner will  including for the following, for any selected            items : 
Logistics and transportation survey物流及运输勘查;
Heavy Lift solutions大型设备吊装方案;
Out-of-Gauge solutions对非标设备的解决方案;
All transportation from Supplier to port of exit 自供货商至出口港的所有运输;
All ocean freight所有海运;
All air freight所有空运;
Control system for tracking the location of all cargoes from point of collection to point of delivery控制系统,用于所有货物从托收地至交货地的跟踪;
All inland freight from onshore Suppliers or port of importation to Job Site从国内供货商或进口港至工程现场的所有内陆运输
5.15 Supplier Invoice Payments 对供应商发票的付款
Owner shall be responsible for the payment of Suppliers Invoices for Procurement Categories I, II. 
The Contractor shall retain responsibility for Supplier Invoice Approval for Category I Purchase Orders if Assigned to the Contractor by Owner and all Category II Purchase Orders. The approval shall include but not be limited to correctness and confirmation that Purchase Order milestones and Supplier Documentation submissions, have been fully completed for each Invoice, before releasing the Invoice to the Owner for payment.
The 45 day payment clock for Owners payment of Supplier Invoice shall not commence until the Owner has received confirmed Contractor Approval of the Suppliers Invoice.  It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure Suppliers submit Invoice in good time to allow Contractor approval and Owner payment by the due date.
5.16 Customs Clearance & Cargo Insurance  清关与货物保险
Owner will Contract directly with a Customs clearance Agency to complete all importation formalities, using the documentation provided by the Contractor and it’s Suppliers.  Contractor shall ensure that all documentation clearly identify all items on Packing Lists and Shipping Invoices with the applicable Harmonised Commodity Description and Code Number, as used by China Customs, from the product nomenclature operated by the WCO.
“业主”将直接与某“清关代理机构”“签约”以便使该“清关代理机构” 使用“承包商”及其“供应商”提供的文档来履行所有进口手续。承包商应当确保,所有的文件/单据上应当清楚地标明装箱单和装运发票上的所有事项,并有相应的由中国海关使和世界海关组织使用的关于商品术语的国际商品统一分类代码。
Owner will supply Cargo Insurance as confirmed within ITB General Terms & Conditions Section 7.2 Part 1 Article 15.10.3.  
Contractor shall submit to Owner 4 weeks prior to each shipment, details of each individual shipment, confirming method of transportation and total value of each shipment.
Contractor must identify every individual item with a value in excess of $10 million USD, and any item that will require shipment that requires other than normal commercial transportation i.e. items requiring movement by barge, heavy and out-of-gauge items and items needing police escort or special permit.
Owner reserves the right, as stated in the above and in the referenced General Terms & Conditions, to instruct Contractor to purchase Cargo Insurance for any or all shipments and to invoice Owner reasonable Cargo Insurance costs supported by it’s paid invoices.
5.17 Tax Exemption免税
Owner has negotiated preferential terms for the importation of Equipment and materials required for the completion of the Huizhou Refinery Project. The terms allow these items to be imported, Import Duty and VAT Free.
Any Import duty or VAT charged to Contractor, by the Chinese Authorities, due to the failure by the Contractor to properly identify on Shipping, Customs and Invoicing documentation that Equipment and associated components are for use on the Huizhou  Refinery Project will be to the Contractors account.
The Project may be granted the status of “VAT Refunded”. This could mean that VAT paid in connection with the purchase of eligible domestic Equipment and materials in the PRC will be refunded to the Owner by the Chinese Tax Authorities.
In this event all Purchase Orders for eligible Equipment and associated components shall be issued by Contractor on Owners letterhead, showing Owner as the Buyer and Supplier as the Seller. All invoices shall be made out by the Supplier to the Owner, but issued to the Contractor. Contractor shall verify and approve all invoices and submit to the Owner for payment. 
Contractor understands and accepts that the above administrative requirements, including placing Purchase Orders on Owners letterhead, are for the purposes of obtaining VAT refund only and in no way relieve Contractor of their liabilities and obligations under the Contract.
The Owner reserves the right to withhold from payment or to back charge the Contractor for any costs including but not limited to taxes, duties and fines resulting from the Contractor’s error, neglect or inability to prepare and complete all necessary documentation required to Customs Clear, the tax and duty free importation of Equipment and materials into the PRC.
5.18 PO Close-out & Archiving订单关闭及归档
The Contractor shall ensure through hard copy and electronic storage of relevant data and information that all records will be capable of being electronically archived during the Close-out process, in accordance with the Owners and Chinese legislative requirements.
Contractor shall retain all files as long as is legally required or stipulated elsewhere within the Contract, after expiration of the period of claim, warranty or legal retention, whichever, is longer, the Contractor shall pass all files so retained to the Owner. 
6 Site Procurement, Receipt, Storage, Preservation & Reconciliation
The Contractor shall produce a Warehousing Co-ordination Procedure, designed for the Project covering all Procurement, Planning and Warehousing activities as required within the Contract. The WCP shall contain all the necessary Procurement, Site Planning, Material Receipt, Goods Inward Inspection, Storage, Issuance and Material Reconciliation to ensure all activities are completed in a timely manner and that Material Receipts at site are scheduled and actually arrive, as required to support the Project Construction Schedule .The WCP shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Owner within 21 days of Contract award.
The WCP shall address, the following : 仓储协调程序应对以下内容作出说明:
Site Procurement, if proposed by Contractor. 现场采购(如由承包商提出);
Strategies and Procedures to ensure the overall control and co-ordination of all warehousing activities, maintain all necessary records, issue all reports and take the necessary measures and required follow-up actions, for the successful and timely completion of the warehousing function.
为顺利及按时完成仓储任务所采用的各种策略及程序,以确保对所有仓储工作的                 全面控制及协调;所有必要记录的保存;各种报告的发布及所有必要措施的到位                 及跟踪。
Equipment and material planning to ensure items are delivered to Site in good time to complete all customs Clearance, goods inward inspection and un-packing before being required by the Contractor for issue to the Site for erection.
Material availability look-ahead to confirm receipt or planned receipt of in-coming Equipment or materials support the Construction Schedule. By exception this review will generate Equipment and material “Shortage Reports” where in-coming Equipment and material delivery dates do NOT support the Construction Schedule. 
材料到货“滚动”计划,并确认进场设备及材料的接货或接货计划可对施工进度提供       必要的支持。但从另一方面来看,如果进场设备及材料的交货日期不能支持施工进度计划时,应能根据对该计划的审查制订设备及材料“短缺报告”
Corrective Actions / Extraordinary measures proposed by the Contractor to ensure items identified on the “Shortage Report” that do NOT support the Schedule, that Contractor will employ to expedite delivery of these items to mitigate delay to the Construction Schedule.
Describe approach for receiving, goods inward inspection, storage, inventory control and preservation in particular for maintaining purges and periodic rotation of rotating equipment.
Detailed layout drawing Contractor proposes for lay down area and covered warehouse facilities, with areas in square metres.
Describe environmental control Contractor will employ, for storage of sensitive Equipment and storage considerations for flammable liquids and gases, to meet Chinese legislation.
Detail anticipated material handling equipment, forklifts, cranes etc. to be employed within the warehouse and lay down areas.
Warehouse HSE Management.  仓库HSE管理。
QA / QC coordination of warehouse inspection, including but not limited to Positive Material Identification (PMI) of alloy materials and welding consumables.   
仓库检查的QA/QC协调,包括但不限于合金材料与焊接用易耗品的“材料精确识别   (PMI)”。
Disposal of Scrap or other remaining materials, in particular items imported under Tax Exemption. Items imported under Tax Exemption cannot be disposed of or removed from Site without Owners written permission.  
Hand-over of all remaining Spares, including 2 Year Operational Spares, following Mechanical Completion and Pre-Commissioning, unless directed otherwise by the Owner.
6.1Documentation Requirements 文件要求
The following documentation shall be issued by the Contractor to the Owner.
Stock Inventory Report库存报告  
Schedule for Equipment calibration or test
Exception Shortage Report, 3 months look-ahead
6.2Site Procurement现场采购
Owner reserves the right to complete review, monitoring and approvals of Contractor’s Site Procurement Activities as previously detailed within Sections 4 & 5. 对于此前在第4及第5章中所述的承包商的现场采购工作,业主保留对该等工作作出全面审查、监测及审批的权利。
6.3Material Control System材料控制系统
Owner shall monitor the application of the Contractors Site Material Control activities, to ensure that they maintain an effective control of materials from Purchase Order through manufacture, delivery, inspection, storage and issue ensuring the timely availability of materials to support the Construction Schedule.
6.4Material Handling材料搬运
Owner shall monitor the Contractors material handling and storage of items, to ensure that operations are completed safely and in accordance with Supplier’s preservation requirements, that inert gas purges are maintained and rotating equipment is rotated within the Suppliers stated time periods. Contractor shall be responsible for the supply and erection and maintenance of “Safety Signage”, where necessary.
6.5 Material Availability材料的及时到场
Contractor shall demonstrate their procedure for completing Material Availability reviews to determine that delivered materials support the Construction Schedule, where delivered materials are not yet received at the site, that their projected ex. works and shipment date, will allow delivery to Site to support the Construction Schedule.
Where ex. works and shipment date do NOT allow delivery to site in time to support the Construction Schedule, the system identifies these items and provides an “Exception Shortage Report”,  for all non conforming items.
the report shall as a minimum address the following :应至少对以下内容作出说明:
Equipment by Tag Number or material by Code Number and Size
Purchase Order number 订单编号
Purchase order item number订单项号
Shortage quantity短缺数量
Outstanding Purchase Order quantity尚未完成的订单数量
Original Required on Site Date 原定抵达现场日期;
Current Ex. works Shipment Date当前的出厂装运日期;
Current Scheduled Delivery Date to Site当前计划的现场交货日期。
Contractor shall produce a report detailing the corrective actions and extraordinary methods proposed to expedite the delivery of items on the Shortage Report, to mitigate delay to the Construction Schedule.
As the Contractor is fully responsible for the procurement, expediting, shipment, customs clearance and delivery to Site, the Owner deems that all and any monies spent by the Contractor to mitigate the delay, will be to the Contractors account.
These Material Availability reviews shall be completed monthly, based on a 3 months look-ahead and 1 month look-ahead and issued to the Owner, complete with Corrective Actions Report on the 1st Monday of every month.
6.6Inventory Control库存控制
Owner shall monitor the Contractors Inventory Control by review of the Inventory Report issued each month, the report shall as a minimum address the following
Equipment by Tag Number or material by Code Number and Size
Gross quantity ordered 订货总量
Net Quantity required 净数量要求
Quantity received without damage收货时状态完好的数量
Quantity issued to date最新发放数量
Quantity currently in Stock当前库存数量
Stock location库存地点
Calculated overage or shortage溢短量计算
6.7Equipment Calibration设备调校
Owner shall monitor the Contractors operation for Equipment testing and calibration or re-calibration including the maintenance of valid certificates as required by the Owner and Chinese legislation.
6.8Material Reconciliation材料协调报告
Owner shall review and approve the Contractors final Material Reconciliation and disposal of scrap. The reconciliation shall as a minimum address the following
Equipment by Tag Number or material by Code Number and Size
Gross quantity ordered订货总量
Net quantity required净数量要求 (quantity calculated from final drawing take-off’s根据最终图纸统计量计算的数量)
Quantity issued 发布数量
Quantity remaining in stock库存数量
Stock Location库存地点
Calculated overage of shortage溢短量计算
The Contractor shall ensure through hard copy and electronic storage of relevant data and information that all records will be capable of being electronically archived during the Close-out process, in accordance with the Owners and Chinese legislative requirements.
Contractor shall retain all files as long as is legally required or stipulated elsewhere within the Contract, after expiration of the period of claim, warranty or legal retention, whichever, is longer, the Contractor shall pass all files so retained to the Owner.
Appendix 1 –Procurement Strategy Categories I, II, III & IV  
Appendix 2 –Long lead Equipment Purchased by ***
Appendix 3 –Equipment Purchased by ***, including Licensor Proprietary  Process Equipment 
Appendix 4 –Critical Category II Equipment & Materials
Appendix 5 –Umbrella / Frame Agreements
Appendix 6 –General Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
Appendix 7 –Importation Documentation 
Appendix 8 – Logistics & Transportation 
Appendix 9–*** Approved Manufactures & Suppliers List 
Appendix 10 –Marking
Appendix 11 –Assignment Agreement (Draft).
