Promulgating Institution: Supreme Peoples Court颁布机关:最高人民法院 Document Number: Fa Shi [2004] No. 14 文 号: 法释[2004]14号 Promulgating Date: 颁布时间10/25/2004 Effective Date: 实施时间: 01/01/2005 Validity Status: Valid效力状态: 有

Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court颁布机关:最高人民法院
Document Number: Fa Shi [2004] No. 14 文 号: 法释[2004]14号
Promulgating Date: 颁布时间10/25/2004
Effective Date: 实施时间: 01/01/2005
Validity Status: Valid效力状态: 有效
(Adopted at the 1327th Meeting of the Trial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on 29 September 2004; Effective as of 1 January 2005)
(2004年9月29日最高人民法院审判委员会第1327次会议通过 自2005年1月1日起施行)
In accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Biding Law of People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and the related laws and regulations, and based on the actual situation of the civil trial and adjudication, this Interpretation is formulated for issues concerning the application of law in the trial of cases involving project construction contract disputes.
Article 1 If a project construction contract falls under any of the following circumstances, it shall be deemed invalid in accordance with Item (5) of Article 52 of the Contract Law:
(1) The contractor engages in the construction without the qualification of a construction enterprise or exceeding the grade of its qualification;
(2) The actual constructor that is unqualified engages in the construction under the name of a qualified construction enterprise; and
(3) The construction requires a bid invitation but no bid is made therefor or the winning bid is invalid.
第一条 建设工程施工合同具有下列情形之一的,应当根据合同法第五十二条第(五)项的规定,认定无效:
Article 2 If a project construction contract is invalid, yet the construction passes completion inspection, the claim of the contractor for payment of the construction price as agreed in the contract shall be upheld.
第二条 建设工程施工合同无效,但建设工程经竣工验收合格,承包人请求参照合同约定支付工程价款的,应予支持。
Article 3 If a project construction contract is invalid, and the construction fails to pass completion inspection, the matter shall be resolved as follows:
(1) If the construction passes completion inspection after repairs have been made, and the employer requires the contractor to bear the expenses of the repairs, such request shall be upheld; or
(2) If the construction fails to pass completion inspection after repairs have been made, the request of the contractor for payment of the construction price shall not be upheld.
The employer shall bear corresponding civil liability for the losses caused by the unqualified construction if it is also at fault.
第三条 建设工程施工合同无效,且建设工程经竣工验收不合格的,按照以下情形分别处理:
Article 4 If the contractor illegally transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project or an actual constructor that is unqualified enters into a project construction contract with a third person under the name of a qualified construction enterprise, such act shall be deemed invalid. The people's court may confiscate the illegal gains that the parties concerned have obtained according to Article 134 of the General Principles of the Civil Law.
第四条 承包人非法转包、违法分包建设工程或者没有资质的实际施工人借用有资质的建筑施工企业名义与他人签订建设工程施工合同的行为无效。人民法院可以根据民法通则第一百三十四条规定,收缴当事人已经取得的非法所得。
Article 5 If the contractor enters into a project construction contract in exceeding the business scope as permitted by its qualification grade, yet possesses the necessary qualification grade prior to completion of the construction, the request of a party concerned for invalidating the contract shall not be upheld.
第五条 承包人超越资质等级许可的业务范围签订建设工程施工合同,在建设工程竣工前取得相应资质等级,当事人请求按照无效合同处理的,不予支持。
Article 6 If the parties concerned have agreed upon advanced payment and the interest thereon, the request of the contractor for return of the advanced payment and interest as agreed shall be upheld, except to the extent that the agreed interest rate is higher than that of a loan of the same type published by the People's Bank of China for the same period.
If the parties concerned fail to agree upon the advanced payment, such advanced payment shall be treated as a construction debt.
If the parties concerned fail to agree upon the interest on advanced payment, the request of the contractor for payment of the interest shall not be upheld.
第六条 当事人对垫资和垫资利息有约定,承包人请求按照约定返还垫资及其利息的,应予支持,但是约定的利息计算标准高于中国人民银行发布的同期同类贷款利率的部分除外。
Article 7 If a labor service subcontract is executed between the contractor, the general contractor, and the subcontractor that all possess qualification for providing labor service, and a party concerned files a request for invalidating the contract on the ground that the subcontracting of the construction violates the provisions of law, such a request shall not be upheld.
第七条 具有劳务作业法定资质的承包人与总承包人、分包人签订的劳务分包合同,当事人以转包建设工程违反法律规定为由请求确认无效的,不予支持。
Article 8 The request of the employer to terminate the project construction contract shall be upheld if the contractor:
(1) Has clearly expressed the intention or demonstrated through acts that it refuses to perform its main obligations under the contract;
(2) Fails to complete the construction within the time period specified in the contract, and the construction remains incomplete within a reasonable time period after the employer issues a reminder;
(3) Has completed unqualified construction and refuses to repair; or
(4) Illegally transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project.
第八条 承包人具有下列情形之一,发包人请求解除建设工程施工合同的,应予支持:
Article 9 Where the contractor is rendered unable to engage in construction due to any of the following reasons, and the employer fails to comply with the corresponding obligations in a reasonable time period after a reminder is issued, the request of the contractor to terminate the project construction contract shall be upheld:
(1) The employer fails to pay the construction price as agreed;
(2) The employer provides primary construction materials, parts, and equipment that do not meet compulsory standards; and
(3) The employer fails to comply with the obligation to assist according to the contract.
第九条 发包人具有下列情形之一,致使承包人无法施工,且在催告的合理期限内仍未履行相应义务,承包人请求解除建设工程施工合同的,应予支持:
Article 10 After a project construction contract is terminated, the employer shall pay the construction price according to the contract for the completed constructions that pass quality inspection; if the completed construction fails to pass quality inspection, the matter shall be handled by referring to Article 3 hereof.
If the contract is terminated due to either party's breach thereof, the breaching party shall compensate the other party for the damage caused.
第十条 建设工程施工合同解除后,已经完成的建设工程质量合格的,发包人应当按照约定支付相应的工程价款;已经完成的建设工程质量不合格的,参照本解释第三条规定处理。
Article 11 If construction fails to comply with the quality requirements as agreed due to the contractor's fault, and the contractor refuses to repair, rework, or modify, the request of the employer for reducing the construction price shall be upheld.
第十一条 因承包人的过错造成建设工程质量不符合约定,承包人拒绝修理、返工或者改建,发包人请求减少支付工程价款的,应予支持。
Article 12 If any defect in the quality of the construction results due to any of the following reasons, the employer shall bear fault liability:
(1) The employer's design is defective;
(2) The construction material, parts, or equipment provided, or designated to be purchased by the employer do not comply with the compulsory standards;
(3) The employer designates subcontractors to subcontract professional projects directly.
If the contractor is at fault, it shall also be held liable accordingly.
第十二条 发包人具有下列情形之一,造成建设工程质量缺陷,应当承担过错责任:
Article 13 If the employer puts into use, at its discretion, a construction project for which no completion inspection has been conducted, the claim made by the employer on the ground that the completed portion of the construction project fails to comply with the quality requirements as agreed shall not be upheld; however the contractor shall bear civil liability for the groundwork installation and the main body structural quality within the reasonable lifespan of the construction project.
第十三条 建设工程未经竣工验收,发包人擅自使用后,又以使用部分质量不符合约定为由主张权利的,不予支持;但是承包人应当在建设工程的合理使用寿命内对地基基础工程和主体结构质量承担民事责任。
Article 14 If the parties concerned have disputes regarding the actual completion date of the construction, the matter shall be handled accordingly as follows:
(1) If the construction passes completion inspection, the date on which it passes the inspection shall be the date of completion;
(2) If the contractor has submitted a completion inspection report, and the employer delays the inspection, the date of completion shall be the date on which the contractor submits the completion inspection report;
(3) If the employer puts into use, at its discretion, the construction project that has not been inspected for completion, the date on which the change of occupancy occurs shall be the date of completion.
第十四条 当事人对建设工程实际竣工日期有争议的,按照以下情形分别处理:
Article 15 If, prior to the completion of the construction, the parties concerned have disputes concerning construction quality, and the construction quality is found to be satisfactory after an appraisal, the appraisal period shall postpone the time limit of the project accordingly.
第十五条 建设工程竣工前,当事人对工程质量发生争议,工程质量经鉴定合格的,鉴定期间为顺延工期期间。
Article 16 If the parties concerned have agreements upon the calculation rates or methods of the construction price, the construction price shall be settled as agreed.
If any alteration in design causes changes in construction workload or quality standards of the construction, and the parties concerned fail to arrange an agreeable solution, the construction price may be settled by referring to the calculation methods and standards issued by the local administrative authority for construction at the time when the contract was entered into.
If the project construction contract is valid, but the construction fails to pass completion inspection, the construction price shall be settled by referring to Article 3 hereof.
第十六条 当事人对建设工程的计价标准或者计价方法有约定的,按照约定结算工程价款。
Article 17 If the parties concerned have agreements regarding the interest calculation methods of overdue payment of the construction price, the interest shall be calculated accordingly; in the absence of such agreements, the interest shall be calculated according to the interest rate of loans of the same type published by the People's Bank of China for the same period.
第十七条 当事人对欠付工程价款利息计付标准有约定的,按照约定处理;没有约定的,按照中国人民银行发布的同期同类贷款利率计息。
Article 18 Interest shall be calculated from the date on which the construction price becomes due and payable. If the parties concerned fail to reach any agreement regarding the time of payment, or their agreement is not definite, the following dates shall be deemed as the time of payment:
(1) For the construction that has been actually delivered, the date of delivery shall be the time of payment.
(2) For the construction yet to be delivered, the date of the delivery of the completion and document shall be the time of payment.
(3) For the construction yet to be delivered, and where the construction price is yet to be settled, the date on which a party concerned institutes an action shall be the time of payment.
第十八条 利息从应付工程价款之日计付。当事人对付款时间没有约定或者约定不明的,下列时间视为应付款时间:
Article 19 If the parties concerned have disputes regarding the amount of the construction work, such amount shall be determined according the written recognition and acknowledgment and other written documents made during the construction. If the contractor can prove that the employer agrees to the construction, but fails to provide written recognition and acknowledgment supporting the occurrence of the construction work, the amount of construction work actually completed may be determined according to other types of evidence provided by the parties concerned.
第十九条 当事人对工程量有争议的,按照施工过程中形成的签证等书面文件确认。承包人能够证明发包人同意其施工,但未能提供签证文件证明工程量发生的,可以按照当事人提供的其他证据确认实际发生的工程量。
Article 20 If the parties concerned agree that the failure of the employer to respond within the agreed time period after receiving the completion and settlement document shall be deemed as accepting the completion and settlement document, such agreement shall be followed. The request of the contractor for payment of construction price according to the completion and settlement document shall be upheld.
第二十条 当事人约定,发包人收到竣工结算文件后,在约定期限内不予答复,视为认可竣工结算文件的,按照约定处理。承包人请求按照竣工结算文件结算工程价款的,应予支持。
Article 21 If the construction contract executed separately by the parties concerned regarding the same construction project is substantially different from the winning bid contract submitted for record-filing, the winning bid contract submitted for record-filing shall be used as the basis of construction price settlement.
第二十一条 当事人就同一建设工程另行订立的建设工程施工合同与经过备案的中标合同实质性内容不一致的,应当以备案的中标合同作为结算工程价款的根据。
Article 22 If the parties concerned agree upon a fixed price for construction price settlement, the request of a party for appraisal of the construction cost shall not be upheld.
第二十二条 当事人约定按照固定价结算工程价款,一方当事人请求对建设工程造价进行鉴定的,不予支持。
Article 23 If the parties concerned have disputes over parts of the facts of the case, only the disputed facts shall be appraised and verified, unless the scope of the disputed facts cannot be specified, or both parties demand an appraisal of all facts of the case.
第二十三条 当事人对部分案件事实有争议的,仅对有争议的事实进行鉴定,但争议事实范围不能确定,或者双方当事人请求对全部事实鉴定的除外。
Article 24 In the case of a dispute over a project construction contract, the place where the construction is carried out shall be the place where the contract is performed.
第二十四条 建设工程施工合同纠纷以施工行为地为合同履行地。
Article 25 If disputes arise from the quality of construction, the employer may file an action against the general contractor, subcontractor, and actual constructor as co-defendants.
第二十五条 因建设工程质量发生争议的,发包人可以以总承包人、分包人和实际施工人为共同被告提起诉讼。
Article 26 If the actual constructor files an action against the party that transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project as defendant, the people's court shall accept the case according to the law.
If the actual constructor files an action against the employer, the people's court may add the party that transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project as a party to the case. The employer shall only be liable to the actual constructor regarding overdue payment of the construction price.
第二十六条 实际施工人以转包人、违法分包人为被告起诉的,人民法院应当依法受理。
Article 27 If the warrantor fails to fulfill its warranty obligation in a timely manner, causing damage to or destruction of the building, or other property damage, or personal injury, the warrantor shall be liable for compensation.
If both the warrantor and the building owner or the employer are at fault for the damage of or destruction to the building, they shall bear their respective liabilities.
第二十七条 因保修人未及时履行保修义务,导致建筑物毁损或者造成人身、财产损害的,保修人应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 28 This Explanation shall take effect as of 1 January 2005.
This Explanation shall be applicable to the cases of first instance accepted after the effectiveness of this Explanation.
If any judicial explanation issued by the Supreme People's Court prior to the effectiveness of this Explanation is in conflict with this Explanation, this Explanation shall prevail.
第二十八条 本解释自二○○五年一月一日起施行。
Document Number: Fa Shi [2004] No. 14 文 号: 法释[2004]14号
Promulgating Date: 颁布时间10/25/2004
Effective Date: 实施时间: 01/01/2005
Validity Status: Valid效力状态: 有效
(Adopted at the 1327th Meeting of the Trial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on 29 September 2004; Effective as of 1 January 2005)
(2004年9月29日最高人民法院审判委员会第1327次会议通过 自2005年1月1日起施行)
In accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Biding Law of People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and the related laws and regulations, and based on the actual situation of the civil trial and adjudication, this Interpretation is formulated for issues concerning the application of law in the trial of cases involving project construction contract disputes.
Article 1 If a project construction contract falls under any of the following circumstances, it shall be deemed invalid in accordance with Item (5) of Article 52 of the Contract Law:
(1) The contractor engages in the construction without the qualification of a construction enterprise or exceeding the grade of its qualification;
(2) The actual constructor that is unqualified engages in the construction under the name of a qualified construction enterprise; and
(3) The construction requires a bid invitation but no bid is made therefor or the winning bid is invalid.
第一条 建设工程施工合同具有下列情形之一的,应当根据合同法第五十二条第(五)项的规定,认定无效:
Article 2 If a project construction contract is invalid, yet the construction passes completion inspection, the claim of the contractor for payment of the construction price as agreed in the contract shall be upheld.
第二条 建设工程施工合同无效,但建设工程经竣工验收合格,承包人请求参照合同约定支付工程价款的,应予支持。
Article 3 If a project construction contract is invalid, and the construction fails to pass completion inspection, the matter shall be resolved as follows:
(1) If the construction passes completion inspection after repairs have been made, and the employer requires the contractor to bear the expenses of the repairs, such request shall be upheld; or
(2) If the construction fails to pass completion inspection after repairs have been made, the request of the contractor for payment of the construction price shall not be upheld.
The employer shall bear corresponding civil liability for the losses caused by the unqualified construction if it is also at fault.
第三条 建设工程施工合同无效,且建设工程经竣工验收不合格的,按照以下情形分别处理:
Article 4 If the contractor illegally transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project or an actual constructor that is unqualified enters into a project construction contract with a third person under the name of a qualified construction enterprise, such act shall be deemed invalid. The people's court may confiscate the illegal gains that the parties concerned have obtained according to Article 134 of the General Principles of the Civil Law.
第四条 承包人非法转包、违法分包建设工程或者没有资质的实际施工人借用有资质的建筑施工企业名义与他人签订建设工程施工合同的行为无效。人民法院可以根据民法通则第一百三十四条规定,收缴当事人已经取得的非法所得。
Article 5 If the contractor enters into a project construction contract in exceeding the business scope as permitted by its qualification grade, yet possesses the necessary qualification grade prior to completion of the construction, the request of a party concerned for invalidating the contract shall not be upheld.
第五条 承包人超越资质等级许可的业务范围签订建设工程施工合同,在建设工程竣工前取得相应资质等级,当事人请求按照无效合同处理的,不予支持。
Article 6 If the parties concerned have agreed upon advanced payment and the interest thereon, the request of the contractor for return of the advanced payment and interest as agreed shall be upheld, except to the extent that the agreed interest rate is higher than that of a loan of the same type published by the People's Bank of China for the same period.
If the parties concerned fail to agree upon the advanced payment, such advanced payment shall be treated as a construction debt.
If the parties concerned fail to agree upon the interest on advanced payment, the request of the contractor for payment of the interest shall not be upheld.
第六条 当事人对垫资和垫资利息有约定,承包人请求按照约定返还垫资及其利息的,应予支持,但是约定的利息计算标准高于中国人民银行发布的同期同类贷款利率的部分除外。
Article 7 If a labor service subcontract is executed between the contractor, the general contractor, and the subcontractor that all possess qualification for providing labor service, and a party concerned files a request for invalidating the contract on the ground that the subcontracting of the construction violates the provisions of law, such a request shall not be upheld.
第七条 具有劳务作业法定资质的承包人与总承包人、分包人签订的劳务分包合同,当事人以转包建设工程违反法律规定为由请求确认无效的,不予支持。
Article 8 The request of the employer to terminate the project construction contract shall be upheld if the contractor:
(1) Has clearly expressed the intention or demonstrated through acts that it refuses to perform its main obligations under the contract;
(2) Fails to complete the construction within the time period specified in the contract, and the construction remains incomplete within a reasonable time period after the employer issues a reminder;
(3) Has completed unqualified construction and refuses to repair; or
(4) Illegally transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project.
第八条 承包人具有下列情形之一,发包人请求解除建设工程施工合同的,应予支持:
Article 9 Where the contractor is rendered unable to engage in construction due to any of the following reasons, and the employer fails to comply with the corresponding obligations in a reasonable time period after a reminder is issued, the request of the contractor to terminate the project construction contract shall be upheld:
(1) The employer fails to pay the construction price as agreed;
(2) The employer provides primary construction materials, parts, and equipment that do not meet compulsory standards; and
(3) The employer fails to comply with the obligation to assist according to the contract.
第九条 发包人具有下列情形之一,致使承包人无法施工,且在催告的合理期限内仍未履行相应义务,承包人请求解除建设工程施工合同的,应予支持:
Article 10 After a project construction contract is terminated, the employer shall pay the construction price according to the contract for the completed constructions that pass quality inspection; if the completed construction fails to pass quality inspection, the matter shall be handled by referring to Article 3 hereof.
If the contract is terminated due to either party's breach thereof, the breaching party shall compensate the other party for the damage caused.
第十条 建设工程施工合同解除后,已经完成的建设工程质量合格的,发包人应当按照约定支付相应的工程价款;已经完成的建设工程质量不合格的,参照本解释第三条规定处理。
Article 11 If construction fails to comply with the quality requirements as agreed due to the contractor's fault, and the contractor refuses to repair, rework, or modify, the request of the employer for reducing the construction price shall be upheld.
第十一条 因承包人的过错造成建设工程质量不符合约定,承包人拒绝修理、返工或者改建,发包人请求减少支付工程价款的,应予支持。
Article 12 If any defect in the quality of the construction results due to any of the following reasons, the employer shall bear fault liability:
(1) The employer's design is defective;
(2) The construction material, parts, or equipment provided, or designated to be purchased by the employer do not comply with the compulsory standards;
(3) The employer designates subcontractors to subcontract professional projects directly.
If the contractor is at fault, it shall also be held liable accordingly.
第十二条 发包人具有下列情形之一,造成建设工程质量缺陷,应当承担过错责任:
Article 13 If the employer puts into use, at its discretion, a construction project for which no completion inspection has been conducted, the claim made by the employer on the ground that the completed portion of the construction project fails to comply with the quality requirements as agreed shall not be upheld; however the contractor shall bear civil liability for the groundwork installation and the main body structural quality within the reasonable lifespan of the construction project.
第十三条 建设工程未经竣工验收,发包人擅自使用后,又以使用部分质量不符合约定为由主张权利的,不予支持;但是承包人应当在建设工程的合理使用寿命内对地基基础工程和主体结构质量承担民事责任。
Article 14 If the parties concerned have disputes regarding the actual completion date of the construction, the matter shall be handled accordingly as follows:
(1) If the construction passes completion inspection, the date on which it passes the inspection shall be the date of completion;
(2) If the contractor has submitted a completion inspection report, and the employer delays the inspection, the date of completion shall be the date on which the contractor submits the completion inspection report;
(3) If the employer puts into use, at its discretion, the construction project that has not been inspected for completion, the date on which the change of occupancy occurs shall be the date of completion.
第十四条 当事人对建设工程实际竣工日期有争议的,按照以下情形分别处理:
Article 15 If, prior to the completion of the construction, the parties concerned have disputes concerning construction quality, and the construction quality is found to be satisfactory after an appraisal, the appraisal period shall postpone the time limit of the project accordingly.
第十五条 建设工程竣工前,当事人对工程质量发生争议,工程质量经鉴定合格的,鉴定期间为顺延工期期间。
Article 16 If the parties concerned have agreements upon the calculation rates or methods of the construction price, the construction price shall be settled as agreed.
If any alteration in design causes changes in construction workload or quality standards of the construction, and the parties concerned fail to arrange an agreeable solution, the construction price may be settled by referring to the calculation methods and standards issued by the local administrative authority for construction at the time when the contract was entered into.
If the project construction contract is valid, but the construction fails to pass completion inspection, the construction price shall be settled by referring to Article 3 hereof.
第十六条 当事人对建设工程的计价标准或者计价方法有约定的,按照约定结算工程价款。
Article 17 If the parties concerned have agreements regarding the interest calculation methods of overdue payment of the construction price, the interest shall be calculated accordingly; in the absence of such agreements, the interest shall be calculated according to the interest rate of loans of the same type published by the People's Bank of China for the same period.
第十七条 当事人对欠付工程价款利息计付标准有约定的,按照约定处理;没有约定的,按照中国人民银行发布的同期同类贷款利率计息。
Article 18 Interest shall be calculated from the date on which the construction price becomes due and payable. If the parties concerned fail to reach any agreement regarding the time of payment, or their agreement is not definite, the following dates shall be deemed as the time of payment:
(1) For the construction that has been actually delivered, the date of delivery shall be the time of payment.
(2) For the construction yet to be delivered, the date of the delivery of the completion and document shall be the time of payment.
(3) For the construction yet to be delivered, and where the construction price is yet to be settled, the date on which a party concerned institutes an action shall be the time of payment.
第十八条 利息从应付工程价款之日计付。当事人对付款时间没有约定或者约定不明的,下列时间视为应付款时间:
Article 19 If the parties concerned have disputes regarding the amount of the construction work, such amount shall be determined according the written recognition and acknowledgment and other written documents made during the construction. If the contractor can prove that the employer agrees to the construction, but fails to provide written recognition and acknowledgment supporting the occurrence of the construction work, the amount of construction work actually completed may be determined according to other types of evidence provided by the parties concerned.
第十九条 当事人对工程量有争议的,按照施工过程中形成的签证等书面文件确认。承包人能够证明发包人同意其施工,但未能提供签证文件证明工程量发生的,可以按照当事人提供的其他证据确认实际发生的工程量。
Article 20 If the parties concerned agree that the failure of the employer to respond within the agreed time period after receiving the completion and settlement document shall be deemed as accepting the completion and settlement document, such agreement shall be followed. The request of the contractor for payment of construction price according to the completion and settlement document shall be upheld.
第二十条 当事人约定,发包人收到竣工结算文件后,在约定期限内不予答复,视为认可竣工结算文件的,按照约定处理。承包人请求按照竣工结算文件结算工程价款的,应予支持。
Article 21 If the construction contract executed separately by the parties concerned regarding the same construction project is substantially different from the winning bid contract submitted for record-filing, the winning bid contract submitted for record-filing shall be used as the basis of construction price settlement.
第二十一条 当事人就同一建设工程另行订立的建设工程施工合同与经过备案的中标合同实质性内容不一致的,应当以备案的中标合同作为结算工程价款的根据。
Article 22 If the parties concerned agree upon a fixed price for construction price settlement, the request of a party for appraisal of the construction cost shall not be upheld.
第二十二条 当事人约定按照固定价结算工程价款,一方当事人请求对建设工程造价进行鉴定的,不予支持。
Article 23 If the parties concerned have disputes over parts of the facts of the case, only the disputed facts shall be appraised and verified, unless the scope of the disputed facts cannot be specified, or both parties demand an appraisal of all facts of the case.
第二十三条 当事人对部分案件事实有争议的,仅对有争议的事实进行鉴定,但争议事实范围不能确定,或者双方当事人请求对全部事实鉴定的除外。
Article 24 In the case of a dispute over a project construction contract, the place where the construction is carried out shall be the place where the contract is performed.
第二十四条 建设工程施工合同纠纷以施工行为地为合同履行地。
Article 25 If disputes arise from the quality of construction, the employer may file an action against the general contractor, subcontractor, and actual constructor as co-defendants.
第二十五条 因建设工程质量发生争议的,发包人可以以总承包人、分包人和实际施工人为共同被告提起诉讼。
Article 26 If the actual constructor files an action against the party that transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project as defendant, the people's court shall accept the case according to the law.
If the actual constructor files an action against the employer, the people's court may add the party that transfers or unlawfully subcontracts the contracted construction project as a party to the case. The employer shall only be liable to the actual constructor regarding overdue payment of the construction price.
第二十六条 实际施工人以转包人、违法分包人为被告起诉的,人民法院应当依法受理。
Article 27 If the warrantor fails to fulfill its warranty obligation in a timely manner, causing damage to or destruction of the building, or other property damage, or personal injury, the warrantor shall be liable for compensation.
If both the warrantor and the building owner or the employer are at fault for the damage of or destruction to the building, they shall bear their respective liabilities.
第二十七条 因保修人未及时履行保修义务,导致建筑物毁损或者造成人身、财产损害的,保修人应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 28 This Explanation shall take effect as of 1 January 2005.
This Explanation shall be applicable to the cases of first instance accepted after the effectiveness of this Explanation.
If any judicial explanation issued by the Supreme People's Court prior to the effectiveness of this Explanation is in conflict with this Explanation, this Explanation shall prevail.
第二十八条 本解释自二○○五年一月一日起施行。