
LEASE CONTRACT ON APARTMENT 房屋管理处(以下简称甲方)与_______(以下简称乙方)订立租赁合同如下: The Housing Administration Department (hereinafter to be referred to as Party A) and_______(hereinafter to be referred to as Party B)hereby e
The Housing Administration Department (hereinafter to be referred to as Party A) and_______(hereinafter to be referred to as Party B)hereby enter into a lease contract as follows :
第一条 甲方将公寓   楼    号房间一套租给乙方作办公之用, 上述房屋及设备(详见设备清单)均在良好状态下交付乙方住用。
Party A leases to Party B as its Office Flat No.     in Apartment Building .The above-mentioned flat and installations (see the inventory attached abbreviated) are all in good condition when handed over to Party B for occupation and use.
租期自     起至     止,共    年。租金自签订本合同之日起计算,按季度收租金美金3000元。乙方在收到甲方交款通知单五天内(假日顺延)一次交清。逾期支付,须交纳3%的日息,以补偿甲方所受的损失。
The lease lasts for       years dating from    . The rent to be counted from the date of signing of the contract,shall be collected once a quarter at a rate of in USD 3000. Party B shall pay up in a lump sum within five (5) days (excluding holidays) after receiving the Payment Notice from Party A. If payment is delayed, a daily interest of 3% shall be charged in compensation for loss suffered by Party A.
第二条 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将上述房屋另作他用或转让任何人,否则,本合同即自动终止,由此造成的经济损失应由乙方承担。
Without the consent of Party A, Party B must not use the above-mentioned flat for other purposes or transfer it to anybody; otherwise, this contract will automatically cease to hold good , and the economic loss arising therefrom shall be borne by Party B.
第三条 乙方在征得甲方同意后,可对租用的房屋自行修缮或更动、拆除和添置设备。其增建和添置部分,在租赁关系结束时,不得拆除,应无偿地归甲方所有。
Having obtained Party A's consent, Party B may have the flat repaired, or may change, remove and add installations. On the expire of the lease, the added constructions and installations must not be dismantled and shall become the property of Party A gratis.
第四条 乙方应负责下列维修事项:
Party B shall be responsible for the following maintenance and repairs :
Painting and white-washing the inferior portion of the flat according to the requirements of the original design once every three years , or paying the costs of such work done by Party A for Party B. If the flat is used less than three years, the costs for painting and white-washing shall be counted according to the months of its actual use.
2.地板需经常打蜡。Frequent waxing of the floors.
第五条 未经甲方同意,乙方不得增加用电设备,否则,由此引起的一切后果,由乙方负责。
Without the consent of Party A,Party B may not install additional electric appliances; otherwise , Party B shall be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.
第六条 租赁期间,乙方须付水。电、煤气、暖气、电话等费用。如居住人数变动,须及时通知公寓办公室,以便计算水费和公用电费。
During the lease-period , Party B shall pay for water , electricity , gas , heating , telephone , etc. In case of change in the number of tenants, it should immediately inform the Apartment Building Office so that water and public electricity fees can be calculated.
第七条 甲方应定期检查房屋有无危险、积水、漏水等情况,并负责房屋和设备的正常维修。
Party A shall regularly inspect the flat to see whether there is danger, waterlogging or leakage and shall be responsible for the normal maintenance and repairs of the flat and installations.
第八条 租赁关系结束时,甲方将验收房屋及设备。如有损失,乙方负责修复或赔偿。
On the expire of the lease , Party A shall inspect and take over the flat and installations. If any damages have been done to them, Party B shall undertake to make repairs, restoration or compensation .
第九条 乙方欲续租本房屋,须于本合同期满前两个月书面通知乙方并另定租赁合同.
In case Party B desires to continue leasing the flat, it shall notify Party A in writing two months in advance of the expire of the lease and a new lease contract shall signed.
第十条 本合同自签字之日起生效.
本合同于     订于北京,共两份,每份均用中英文写成.在解释时有分歧时,以中文本为准.
This contract shall come into force on the day of its signing. Done in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, this contract is signed on_______ in Beijing. The Chinese text shall be regarded as the authentic one in case of difference in interpretation.
甲方  Responsible Person                         乙方Responsible Person