Article 48 Goods remaining undelivered 第48 条 货物仍未交付 1. For the purposes of this article, goods shall be deemed to have remained undelivered only if, after their arrival at the place of destination: (a) The consignee does not acceptArticle 48 Goods remaining undelivered 第48 条 货物仍未交付
1. For the purposes of this article, goods shall be deemed to have remained undelivered only if, after their arrival at the place of destination:
(a) The consignee does not accept delivery of the goods pursuant to this chapter at the time and location referred to in article 43;
(b) The controlling party, the holder, the shipper or the documentary shipper cannot be found or does not give the carrier adequate instructions pursuant to articles 45, 46 and 47;
(c) The carrier is entitled or required to refuse delivery pursuant to articles 44, 45, 46 and 47;
(d) The carrier is not allowed to deliver the goods to the consignee pursuant to the law or regulations of the place at which delivery is requested; or
(e) The goods are otherwise undeliverable by the carrier.
1. 在本条中,只有在下列情形下,货物到达目的地后应当被视为仍未交付:
(a) 收货人未根据本章的规定,在第43 条述及的时间和地点接受交货;
(b) 控制方、持有人、托运人或者单证托运人无法被找到,或者未根据第45 条、第46 条和第47 条向承运人发出适当指示;
(c) 根据第44 条、第45 条、第46 条和第47 条,承运人有权或者必须拒绝交付货物;
(d) 根据请求交货地的法律条例,不允许承运人向收货人交付货物;或者
(e) 承运人无法交付货物的其他情形。
2. Without prejudice to any other rights that the carrier may have against the shipper, controlling party or consignee, if the goods have remained undelivered, the carrier may, at the risk and expense of the person entitled to the goods, take such action in respect of the goods as circumstances may reasonably require, including:
(a) To store the goods at any suitable place;
(b) To unpack the goods if they are packed in containers or vehicles, or to act otherwise in respect of the goods, including by moving them; and
(c) To cause the goods to be sold or destroyed in accordance with the practices or pursuant to the law or regulations of the place where the goods are located at the time.
2. 在不影响承运人可以向托运人、控制方或者收货人主张其他任何权利的情况下,货物仍未交付的,由有权提取货物的人承担风险和费用,承运人可以根据情况的合理要求就货物采取行动,其中包括:
(a) 将货物存放在任何合适地方;
(b) 货物载于集装箱内或者车辆内的,打开包装,或者就货物采取其他行动,包括转移货物;并且
(c) 按照惯例,或者根据货物当时所在地的法律条例,将货物出售或者销毁。
3. The carrier may exercise the rights under paragraph 2 of this article only after it has given reasonable notice of the intended action under paragraph 2 of this article to the person stated in the contract particulars as the person, if any, to be notified of the arrival of the goods at the place of destination, and to one of the following persons in the order indicated, if known to the carrier: the consignee, the controlling party or the shipper.
只有在承运人已就本条第2 款所设想的行动,向合同事项中载明的货物到达目的地时可能存在的任何被通知人,并向承运人知道的收货人、控制方或者托运人这三种人之一,按照所列顺序发出合理通知之后,承运人方可行使本条第2 款规定的权利。
4. If the goods are sold pursuant to subparagraph 2 (c) of this article, the carrier shall hold the proceeds of the sale for the benefit of the person entitled to the goods, subject to the deduction of any costs incurred by the carrier and any other amounts that are due to the carrier in connection with the carriage of those goods.
货物根据本条第2 款第(c) 项出售的,承运人应当为有权提取货物的人的利益代为保管出售货物的价款,但可从中扣除承运人承担的任何费用和应付给承运人的与运输这些货物有关的其他任何款项。
5. The carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to goods that occurs during the time that they remain undelivered pursuant to this article unless the claimant proves that such loss or damage resulted from the failure by the carrier to take steps that would have been reasonable in the circumstances to preserve the goods and that the carrier knew or ought to have known that the loss or damage to the goods would result from its failure to take such steps.
Article 49 Retention of goods 第49 条 货物留置
Nothing in this Convention affects a right of the carrier or a performing party that may exist pursuant to the contract of carriage or the applicable law to retain the goods to secure the payment of sums due.
Chapter 10 Rights of the controlling party 第10 章 控制方的权利
Article 50 Exercise and extent of right of control 第50 条 控制权的行使和范围
1. The right of control may be exercised only by the controlling party and is limited to:
(a) The right to give or modify instructions in respect of the goods that do not constitute a variation of the contract of carriage;
(b) The right to obtain delivery of the goods at a scheduled port of call or, in respect of inland carriage, any place en route; and
(c) The right to replace the consignee by any other person including the controlling party.
1. 控制权只能由控制方行使,且仅限于:
(a) 就货物发出指示或者修改指示的权利,此种指示不构成对运输合同的变更;
(b) 在计划挂靠港,或者在内陆运输情况下在运输途中的任何地点提取货物的权利;和
(c) 由包括控制方在内的其他任何人取代收货人的权利。
2. The right of control exists during the entire period of responsibility of the carrier, as provided in article 12, and ceases when that period expires.
控制权存在于第12 条规定的整个承运人责任期间,该责任期间届满时即告终止。
Article 51 Identity of the controlling party and transfer of the right of control
第51 条 控制方的识别和控制权的转让
1. Except in the cases referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this article:
(a) The shipper is the controlling party unless the shipper, when the contract of carriage is concluded, designates the consignee, the documentary shipper or another person as the controlling party;
(b) The controlling party is entitled to transfer the right of control to another person. The transfer becomes effective with respect to the carrier upon its notification of the transfer by the transferor, and the transferee becomes the controlling party; and
(c) The controlling party shall properly identify itself when it exercises the right of control.
1. 除本条第2 款、第3 款和第4 款述及的情形外:
(a) 托运人为控制方,除非托运人在订立运输合同时指定收货人、单证托运人或者其他人为控制方;
(b) 控制方有权将控制权转让给其他人。此种转让在转让人向承运人发出转让通知时对承运人产生效力,受让人于是成为控制方;并且
(c) 控制方行使控制权时,应当适当表明其身份。
2. When a non-negotiable transport document has been issued that indicates that it shall be surrendered in order to obtain delivery of the goods:
(a) The shipper is the controlling party and may transfer the right of control to the consignee named in the transport document by transferring the document to that person without endorsement. If more than one original of the document was issued, all originals shall be transferred in order to effect a transfer of the right of control; and
(b) In order to exercise its right of control, the controlling party shall produce the document and properly identify itself. If more than one original of the document was issued, all originals shall be produced, failing which the right of control cannot be exercised.
(a) 托运人为控制方,且可以将控制权转让给运输单证中指定的收货人,该运输单证可不经背书转让给该人。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应当转让所有正本单证,方可实现控制权的转让; 并且
(b) 为了行使控制权,控制方应当提交单证且适当表明其身份。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应当提交所有正本单证,否则不能行使控制权。
3. When a negotiable transport document is issued: 签发可转让运输单证的:
(a) The holder or, if more than one original of the negotiable transport document is issued, the holder of all originals is the controlling party;
(b) The holder may transfer the right of control by transferring the negotiable transport document to another person in accordance with article 57. If more than one original of that document was issued, all originals shall be transferred to that person in order to effect a transfer of the right of control; and
(c) In order to exercise the right of control, the holder shall produce the negotiable transport document to the carrier, and if the holder is one of the persons referred to in article 1, subparagraph 10 (a) (i), the holder shall properly identify itself. If more than one original of the document was issued, all originals shall be produced, failing which the right of control cannot be exercised.
(a) 持有人为控制方,所签发可转让运输单证有一份以上正本的,持有人得到所有正本单证,方可成为控制方;
(b) 持有人可以根据第57 条,通过将可转让运输单证转让给其他人而转让控制权。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应当向该人转让所有正本单证,方可实现控制权的转让;并且
(c) 为了行使控制权,持有人应当向承运人提交可转让运输单证,持有人是第1 条第10 款第(a) 项第(i) 目述及的其中一种人的,应当适当表明其身份。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应当提交所有正本单证,否则不能行使控制权。
4. When a negotiable electronic transport record is issued: 签发可转让电子运输记录的:
(a) The holder is the controlling party;
(b) The holder may transfer the right of control to another person by transferring the negotiable electronic transport record in accordance with the procedures referred to in article 9, paragraph 1; and
(c) In order to exercise the right of control, the holder shall demonstrate, in accordance with the procedures referred to in article 9, paragraph 1, that it is the holder.
(a) 持有人为控制方;
(b) 持有人可以按照第9 条第1 款述及的程序,通过转让可转让电子运输记录,将控制权转让给其他人;并且
(c) 为了行使控制权,持有人应当按照第9 条第1 款述及的程序证明其为持有人。
Article 52 Carrier’s execution of instructions 第52 条 承运人执行指示
1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article, the carrier shall execute the instructions referred to in article 50 if:
(a) The person giving such instructions is entitled to exercise the right of control;
(b) The instructions can reasonably be executed according to their terms at the moment that they reach the carrier; and
(c) The instructions will not interfere with the normal operations of the carrier, including its delivery practices.
. 除本条第2 款和第3 款另有规定外,在下列条件下,承运人应当执行第50 条述及的指示:
(a) 发出此种指示的人有权行使控制权;
(b) 该指示送达承运人时即能按照其中的条件合理地执行; 并且
(c) 该指示不会干扰承运人的正常营运,包括其交付作业。
2. In any event, the controlling party shall reimburse the carrier for any reasonable additional expense that the carrier may incur and shall indemnify the carrier against loss or damage that the carrier may suffer as a result of diligently executing any instruction pursuant to this article, including compensation that the carrier may become liable to pay for loss of or damage to other goods being carried.
3. The carrier is entitled to obtain security from the controlling party for the amount of additional expense, loss or damage that the carrier reasonably expects will arise in connection with the execution of an instruction pursuant to this article. The carrier may refuse to carry out the instructions if no such security is provided.
4. The carrier’s liability for loss of or damage to the goods or for delay in delivery resulting from its failure to comply with the instructions of the controlling party in breach of its obligation pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article shall be subject to articles 17 to 23, and the amount of the compensation payable by the carrier shall be subject to articles 59 to 61.
承运人违反本条第1 款对其规定的义务,未遵守控制方指示而造成货物灭失、损坏或者迟延交付的,承运人所负的赔偿责任应当根据第17 条至第23 条确定,承运人应付的赔偿额应当根据第59 条至第61 条确定。
Article 53 Deemed delivery 第53 条 视为交货
Goods that are delivered pursuant to an instruction in accordance with article 52, paragraph 1, are deemed to be delivered at the place of destination, and the provisions of chapter 9 relating to such delivery apply to such goods.
根据第52 条第1 款按照指示交付货物,视为在目的地交货, 第9 章中有关此种交货的规定适用于此种货物。
Article 54 Variations to the contract of carriage 第54 条 运输合同的变更
1. The controlling party is the only person that may agree with the carrier to variations to the contract of carriage other than those referred to in article 50, subparagraphs 1 (b) and (c).
控制方是唯一可以与承运人约定对运输合同的变更的人,但第50 条第1 款第(b) 项和第(c) 项述及的内容除外。
2. Variations to the contract of carriage, including those referred to in article 50, subparagraphs 1 (b) and (c), shall be stated in a negotiable transport document or in a non-negotiable transport document that requires surrender, or incorporated in a negotiable electronic transport record, or, upon the request of the controlling party, shall be stated in a non-negotiable transport document or incorporated in a non-negotiable electronic transport record. If so stated or incorporated, such variations shall be signed in accordance with article 38.
对运输合同的变更,包括第50 条第1 款第(b) 项和第(c) 项述及的内容,应当在可转让运输单证或者必须提交的不可转让运输单证上记载或者并入可转让电子运输记录,或者在控制方提出要求时,应当在不可转让运输单证上记载或者并入不可转让电子运输记录。凡作此种记载或者并入的变更,均应当根据第38 条签名。
Article 55 Providing additional information, instructions or documents to carrier
第55 条 向承运人提供补充信息、指示或者文件
1. The controlling party, on request of the carrier or a performing party, shall provide in a timely manner information, instructions or documents relating to the goods not yet provided by the shipper and not otherwise reasonably available to the carrier that the carrier may reasonably need to perform its obligations under the contract of carriage.
2. If the carrier, after reasonable effort, is unable to locate the controlling party or the controlling party is unable to provide adequate information, instructions or documents to the carrier, the shipper shall provide them. If the carrier, after reasonable effort, is unable to locate the shipper, the documentary shipper shall provide such information, instructions or documents.
Article 56 Variation by agreement 第56 条 协议变更
The parties to the contract of carriage may vary the effect of articles 50, subparagraphs 1 (b) and (c), 50, paragraph 2, and 52. The parties may also restrict or exclude the transferability of the right of control referred to in article 51, subparagraph 1 (b).
运输合同当事人可以协议变更第50 条第1 款第(b) 项和第(c) 项、第50 条第2 款和第52 条的效力。当事人还可以限制或者排除第51 条第1 款第(b) 项所述及的控制权的可转让性。
Chapter 11 Transfer of rights 第11 章 权利转让
Article 57 When a negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record is issued
第57 条 签发可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录时的权利转让
1. When a negotiable transport document is issued, the holder may transfer the rights incorporated in the document by transferring it to another person:(a) Duly endorsed either to such other person or in blank, if an order document; or (b) Without endorsement, if: (i) a bearer document or a blank endorsed document; or (ii) a document made out to the order of a named person and the transfer is between the first holder and the named person.
(a) 是指示单证的,须正式背书给该其他人,或者须空白背书;或者
(b) 是(i) 不记名单证或者空白背书单证的,或者是(ii) 凭记名人指示开出的单证,且转让发生在第一持有人与该记名人之间的,无须背书。
2. When a negotiable electronic transport record is issued, its holder may transfer the rights incorporated in it, whether it be made out to order or to the order of a named person, by transferring the electronic transport record in accordance with the procedures referred to in article 9, paragraph 1.
签发可转让电子运输记录的,不论该电子运输记录是凭指示开出还是凭记名人指示开出,其持有人均可以按照第9 条第1 款述及的程序,通过转让该电子运输记录,转让其中包含的各项权利。
Article 58 Liability of holder 第58 条 持有人的赔偿责任
1. Without prejudice to article 55, a holder that is not the shipper and that does not exercise any right under the contract of carriage does not assume any liability under the contract of carriage solely by reason of being a holder.
在不影响第55 条的情况下,非托运人的持有人,未行使运输合同下任何权利的,不能只因为是持有人而负有运输合同下的任何赔偿责任。
2. A holder that is not the shipper and that exercises any right under the contract of carriage assumes any liabilities imposed on it under the contract of carriage to the extent that such liabilities are incorporated in or ascertainable from the negotiable transport document or the negotiable electronic transport record.
3. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, a holder that is not the shipper does not exercise any right under the contract of carriage solely because:
就本条第1 款和第2 款而言,非托运人的持有人不能只因为下列作为而被视为行使运输合同下的任何权利:
(a) It agrees with the carrier, pursuant to article 10, to replace a negotiable transport document by a negotiable electronic transport record or to replace a negotiable electronic transport record by a negotiable transport document; or
(b) It transfers its rights pursuant to article 57.
(a) 该持有人根据第10 条与承运人约定,以可转让电子运输记录替换可转让运输单证,或者以可转让运输单证替换可转让电子运输记录;或者
(b) 该持有人根据第57 条转让其权利。
Chapter 12 Limits of liability 第12 章 赔偿责任限额
Article 59Limits of liability 第59 条 赔偿责任限额
1. Subject to articles 60 and 61, paragraph 1, the carrier’s liability for breaches of its obligations under this Convention is limited to 875 units of account per package or other shipping unit, or 3 units of account per kilogram of the gross weight of the goods that are the subject of the claim or dispute, whichever amount is the higher, except when the value of the goods has been declared by the shipper and included in the contract particulars, or when a higher amount than the amount of limitation of liability set out in this article has been agreed upon between the carrier and the shipper.
除第60 条以及第61 条第1 款另有规定外,承运人对于违反本公约对其规定的义务所负赔偿责任的限额,按照索赔或者争议所涉货物的件数或者其他货运单位计算,每件或者每个其他货运单位875 个计算单位,或者按照索赔或者争议所涉货物的毛重计算,每公斤3 个计算单位,以两者中较高限额为准,但货物价值已由托运人申报且在合同事项中载明的,或者承运人与托运人已另行约定高于本条所规定的赔偿责任限额的,不在此列。
2. When goods are carried in or on a container, pallet or similar article of transport used to consolidate goods, or in or on a vehicle, the packages or shipping units enumerated in the contract particulars as packed in or on such article of transport or vehicle are deemed packages or shipping units. If not so enumerated, the goods in or on such article of transport or vehicle are deemed one
shipping unit.
3. The unit of account referred to in this article is the Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund. The amounts referred to in this article are to be converted into the national currency of a State according to the value of such currency at the date of judgement or award or the date agreed upon by the parties. The value of a national currency, in terms of the Special Drawing Right, of a Contracting State that is a member of the International Monetary Fund is to be calculated in accordance with the method of valuation applied by the International Monetary Fund in effect at the date in question for its operations and transactions. The value of a national currency, in terms of the Special Drawing Right, of a Contracting State that is not a member of the International Monetary Fund is to be calculated in a manner to be determined
by that State.
本条述及的计算单位,是国际货币基金组织定义的特别提款权。本条述及的限额,须按照一国国家货币在判决日或者裁决日,或者在当事人约定日的币值折算成该国货币。一缔约国是国际货币基金组织成员国的,该国货币对特别提款权的比价,须按照国际货币基金组织当日对其业务和交易实行的计价换算方法计算。 一缔约国不是国际货币基金组织成员国的,该国货币对特别提款权的比价,须按照该国确定的方式计算。
Article 60 Limits of liability for loss caused by delay 第60 条 迟延造成损失的赔偿责任限额
Subject to article 61, paragraph 2, compensation for loss of or damage to the goods due to delay shall be calculated in accordance with article 22 and liability for economic loss due to delay is limited to an amount equivalent to two and one-half times the freight payable on the goods delayed. The total amount payable pursuant to this article and article 59, paragraph 1, may not exceed the limit that would be established pursuant to article 59, paragraph 1, in respect of the total loss of the goods concerned.
除第61 条第2 款另有规定外,对迟延造成货物灭失或者损坏的赔偿额,应当按照第22 条计算,对迟延造成经济损失的赔偿责任限额,是相当于迟交货物应付运费两倍半的数额。根据本条以及第59 条第1 款确定的赔付总额,不得超过所涉货物全损时根据第59 条第1 款确定的限额。
Article 61 Loss of the benefit of limitation of liability 第61 条 赔偿责任限制权的丧失
1. Neither the carrier nor any of the persons referred to in article 18 is entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability as provided in article 59, or as provided in the contract of carriage, if the claimant proves that the loss resulting from the breach of the carrier’s obligation under this Convention was attributable to a personal act or omission of the person claiming a right to limit done with the intent to cause such loss or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would probably result.
如果索赔人证明,违反本公约规定的承运人义务所造成的损失,是由于声称有权限制赔偿责任的人本人故意造成此种损失的作为或者不作为所导致的,或者是明知可能产生此种损失而轻率地作为或者不作为所导致的,则承运人或者第18 条述及的任何人,无权根据第59 条的规定或者按照运输合同的约定享有限制赔偿责任的利益。
2. Neither the carrier nor any of the persons mentioned in article 18 is entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability as provided in article 60 if the claimant proves that the delay in delivery resulted from a personal act or omission of the person claiming a right to limit done with the intent to cause the loss due to delay or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would probably result.
如果索赔人证明,迟延交付是由于声称有权限制赔偿责任的人本人故意造成迟延损失的作为或者不作为所导致的,或者是明知可能产生此种损失而轻率地作为或者不作为所导致的,则承运人或者第18 条述及的任何人,无权根据第60 条的规定享有限制赔偿责任的利益。
Chapter 13 Time for suit 第13 章 时效
Article 62 Period of time for suit 第62 条 时效期间
1. No judicial or arbitral proceedings in respect of claims or disputes arising from a breach of an obligation under this Convention may be instituted after the expiration of a period of two years.
2. The period referred to in paragraph 1 of this article commences on the day on which the carrier has delivered the goods or, in cases in which no goods have been delivered or only part of the goods have been delivered, on the last day on which the goods should have been delivered. The day on which the period commences is not included in the period.
本条第1 款述及的时效期间,自承运人交付货物之日起算,未交付货物或者只交付了部分货物的,自本应交付货物最后之日起算。时效期间的起算日不包括在该期间内。
3. Notwithstanding the expiration of the period set out in paragraph 1 of this article, one party may rely on its claim as a defence or for the purpose of set-off against a claim asserted by the other party.
即使本条第1 款规定的时效期间期满,一方当事人仍然可以提出索赔作为抗辩,或者以此抵消对方当事人提出的索赔。
Article 63 Extension of time for suit 第63 条 时效的延长
The period provided in article 62 shall not be subject to suspension or interruption, but the person against which a claim is made may at any time during the running of the period extend that period by a declaration to the claimant. This period may be further extended by another declaration or declarations.
第62 条规定的时效期间不得中止或者中断,但被索赔人可以在时效期间内的任何时间,通过向索赔人声明而延长该时效期间。该时效期间可以经再次声明或者多次声明进一步延长。
Article 64 Action for indemnity 第64 条 追偿诉讼
An action for indemnity by a person held liable may be instituted after the expiration of the period provided in article 62 if the indemnity action is instituted within the later of:
被认定负有责任的人,可以在第62 条规定的时效期间期满后提起追偿诉讼,提起该追偿诉讼的时效期间以下列较晚者为准:
(a) The time allowed by the applicable law in the jurisdiction where proceedings are instituted; or
(b) Ninety days commencing from the day when the person instituting the action for indemnity has either settled the claim or been served with process in the action against itself, whichever is earlier.
(a) 提起程序的管辖地准据法所允许的时效期间内;或者
(b) 自追偿诉讼提起人解决原索赔之日起或者自收到向其本人送达的起诉文书之日起九十日内,以较早者为准。
Article 65 Actions against the person identified as the carrier
第65 条 对被识别为承运人的人的诉讼
An action against the bareboat charterer or the person identified as the carrier pursuant to article 37, paragraph 2, may be instituted after the expiration of the period provided in article 62 if the action is instituted within the later of:
(a) The time allowed by the applicable law in the jurisdiction where proceedings are instituted; or
(b) Ninety days commencing from the day when the carrier has been identified, or the registered owner or bareboat charterer has rebutted the presumption that it is the carrier, pursuant to article 37, paragraph 2.
对光船承租人或者对根据第37 条第2 款被识别为承运人的人的诉讼,可以在第62 条规定的时效期间期满后提起,提起该诉讼的时效期间以下列较晚者为准:
(a) 提起程序的管辖地准据法所允许的时效期间内;或者
(b) 自识别承运人之日起或者自船舶登记所有人或者光船承租人根据第37 条第2 款推翻其为承运人的推定之日起九十日内。
Chapter 14 Jurisdiction 第14 章 管辖权
Article 66 Actions against the carrier 第66 条 对承运人的诉讼
Unless the contract of carriage contains an exclusive choice of court agreement that complies with article 67 or 72, the plaintiff has the right to institute judicial proceedings under this Convention against the carrier:
(a) In a competent court within the jurisdiction of which is situated one of the following places:
(i) The domicile of the carrier;
(ii) The place of receipt agreed in the contract of carriage;
(iii) The place of delivery agreed in the contract of carriage; or
(iv) The port where the goods are initially loaded on a ship or the port where the goods are finally discharged from a ship; or
(b) In a competent court or courts designated by an agreement between the shipper and the carrier for the purpose of deciding claims against the carrier that may arise under this Convention.
除非运输合同载有一项符合第67 条或者第72 条的排他性法院选择协议,否则原告有权根据本公约在下列管辖法院之一对承运人提起司法程序:
(a) 对下列地点之一拥有管辖权的一管辖法院:
(i) 承运人的住所;
(ii) 运输合同约定的收货地;
(iii) 运输合同约定的交货地;或者
(iv) 货物的最初装船港或者货物的最终卸船港;或者
(b) 为裁定本公约下可能产生的向承运人索赔事项,托运人与承运人在协议中指定的一个或者数个管辖法院。
Article 67 Choice of court agreements 第67 条 法院选择协议
1. The jurisdiction of a court chosen in accordance with article 66, subparagraph
(b), is exclusive for disputes between the parties to the contract only if the parties so agree and the agreement conferring jurisdiction: (a) Is contained in a volume contract that clearly states the names and addresses of the parties and either (i) is individually negotiated or (ii) contains a prominent statement that there is an exclusive choice of court agreement and specifies the sections of the volume contract containing that agreement; and (b) Clearly designates the courts of one Contracting State or one or more specific courts of one Contracting State.
根据第66 条第(b) 项选择的法院,只有经合同当事人协议约定,且只有授予管辖权协议满足下列各项条件,方能对合同当事人之间的争议具有排他性管辖权:
(a) 该协议载于清楚载明各方当事人名称和地址的批量合同,此种批量合同(i) 是单独协商订立,或者(ii) 载有一则存在一项排他性法院选择协议的明确声明,且指出批量合同中载有该协议的部分;并且
(b) 该协议清楚指定某一缔约国的数个法院或者某一缔约国的一个或者数个特定法院。
2. A person that is not a party to the volume contract is bound by an exclusive choice of court agreement concluded in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article only if:
(a) The court is in one of the places designated in article 66, subparagraph (a);
(b) That agreement is contained in the transport document or electronic transport record;
(c) That person is given timely and adequate notice of the court where the action shall be brought and that the jurisdiction of that court is exclusive;and
(d) The law of the court seized recognizes that that person may be bound by the exclusive choice of court agreement.
根据本条第1 款订立的排他性法院选择协议,只有满足下列各项条件,方能对不是批量合同当事人的人具有约束力:
(a) 该法院位于第66 条第(a) 项所指定的地点之一;
(b) 该协议载于运输单证或者电子运输记录;
(c) 关于诉讼提起地法院以及该法院拥有排他性管辖权的通知已及时、正确地发给该人;并且
(d) 受案法院的法律承认该排他性法院选择协议对该人具有约束力。
Article 68Actions against the maritime performing party 第68 条 对海运履约方的诉讼
The plaintiff has the right to institute judicial proceedings under this Convention against the maritime performing party in a competent court within the jurisdiction of which is situated one of the following places:
(a) The domicile of the maritime performing party; or
(b) The port where the goods are received by the maritime performing party, the port where the goods are delivered by the maritime performing party or the port in which the maritime performing party performs its activities with respect to the goods.
(a) 海运履约方的住所;或者
(b) 海运履约方接收货物的港口、海运履约方交付货物的港口,或者海运履约方执行与货物有关的各种活动的港口。
Article 69 No additional bases of jurisdiction 第69 条 不另增管辖权地
Subject to articles 71 and 72, no judicial proceedings under this Convention against the carrier or a maritime performing party may be instituted in a court not designated pursuant to article 66 or 68.
除第71 条和第72 条另有规定外,不得在不是根据第66 条或者第68 条指定的法院,根据本公约对承运人或者海运履约方提起司法程序。
Article 70 Arrest and provisional or protective measures
第70 条 扣留以及临时措施或者保全措施
Nothing in this Convention affects jurisdiction with regard to provisional or protective measures, including arrest. A court in a State in which a provisional or protective measure was taken does not have jurisdiction to determine the case upon its merits unless:
(a) The requirements of this chapter are fulfilled; or
(b) An international convention that applies in that State so provides.
(a) 符合本章的要求;或者
(b) 一项国际公约在该国适用的,该国际公约作此规定。
Article 71 Consolidation and removal of actions 第71 条 诉讼合并和移转
1. Except when there is an exclusive choice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, if a single action is brought against both the carrier and the maritime performing party arising out of a single occurrence, the action may be instituted only in a court designated pursuant to both article 66 and article 68. If there is no such court, such action may be instituted in a court designated pursuant to article 68, subparagraph (b), if there is such a court.
除非根据第67 条或者第72 条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选择协议,就同一事件同时对承运人和海运履约方提起一项共同诉讼的,只能在同时根据第66 条和第68 条指定的一法院提起该诉讼。无上述这类法院的,可以在根据第68 条第(b) 项指定的一法院,在其存在的情况下提起该诉讼。
2. Except when there is an exclusive choice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, a carrier or a maritime performing party that institutes an action seeking a declaration of non-liability or any other action that would deprive a person of its right to select the forum pursuant to article 66 or 68 shall, at the request of the defendant, withdraw that action once the defendant has chosen a court designated pursuant to article 66 or 68, whichever is applicable, where the action may be recommenced.
除非根据第67 条或者第72 条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选择协议,承运人或者海运履约方提起的诉讼寻求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或者提起的其他任何诉讼将剥夺一人根据第66 条或者第68 条选择诉讼地的权利的,该承运人或者海运履约方应当在被告已选择根据第66 条或者第68 条(两者以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以在该法院重新提起诉讼。
Article 72Agreement after a dispute has arisen and jurisdiction when the defendant has entered an appearance
第72 条 争议产生后的协议和被告应诉时的管辖权
1. After a dispute has arisen, the parties to the dispute may agree to resolve it in any competent court.
2. A competent court before which a defendant appears, without contesting jurisdiction in accordance with the rules of that court, has jurisdiction.
Article 73 Recognition and enforcement 第73 条 承认和执行
1. A decision made in one Contracting State by a court having jurisdiction under this Convention shall be recognized and enforced in another Contracting State in accordance with the law of such latter Contracting State when both States have made a declaration in accordance with article 74.
根据本公约拥有管辖权的一法院在一缔约国作出的裁决,应当在另一缔约国根据该另一缔约国的法律得到承认和执行,但两国须已根据第74 条作出声明。
2. A court may refuse recognition and enforcement based on the grounds for the refusal of recognition and enforcement available pursuant to its law.
3. This chapter shall not affect the application of the rules of a regional economic integration organization that is a party to this Convention, as concerns the recognition or enforcement of judgements as between member States of the regional economic integration organization, whether adopted before or after this Convention.
Article 74 Application of chapter 14 第74 条 第14 章的适用
The provisions of this chapter shall bind only Contracting States that declare in accordance with article 91 that they will be bound by them.
本章的规定只能对根据第91 条声明其将受本章规定约束的缔约国具有约束力。
Chapter 15 Arbitration 第15 章 仲裁
Article 75 Arbitration agreements 第75 条 仲裁协议
1. Subject to this chapter, parties may agree that any dispute that may arise relating to the carriage of goods under this Convention shall be referred to arbitration.
2. The arbitration proceedings shall, at the option of the person asserting a claim against the carrier, take place at:
(a) Any place designated for that purpose in the arbitration agreement; or
(b) Any other place situated in a State where any of the following places is located: (i) The domicile of the carrier; (ii) The place of receipt agreed in the contract of carriage; (iii) The place of delivery agreed in the contract of carriage; or (iv) The port where the goods are initially loaded on a ship or the port where the goods are finally discharged from a ship.
2. 仲裁程序应当按照对承运人提起索赔的人的选择:
(a) 在仲裁协议为此目的指定的任何地点进行;或者
(b) 在一国的其他任何地点进行,下列任何地点位于该国即可:
(i) 承运人的住所;
(ii) 运输合同约定的收货地;
(iii) 运输合同约定的交货地;或者
(iv) 货物的最初装船港或者货物的最终卸船港。
3. The designation of the place of arbitration in the agreement is binding for disputes between the parties to the agreement if the agreement is contained in a volume contract that clearly states the names and addresses of the parties and either: (a) Is individually negotiated; or (b) Contains a prominent statement that there is an arbitration agreement and specifies the sections of the volume contract containing the arbitration agreement.
(a) 是单独协商订立的;或者
(b) 载有一则存在一项仲裁协议的明确声明,且指出批量合同中载有该仲裁协议的部分。
4. When an arbitration agreement has been concluded in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, a person that is not a party to the volume contract is bound by the designation of the place of arbitration in that agreement only if:
(a) The place of arbitration designated in the agreement is situated in one of the places referred to in subparagraph 2 (b) of this article;
(b) The agreement is contained in the transport document or electronic transport record;
(c) The person to be bound is given timely and adequate notice of the place of arbitration; and
(d) Applicable law permits that person to be bound by the arbitration agreement
仲裁协议已根据本条第3 款订立的,该协议指定的仲裁地,只有满足下列条件,方能对不是批量合同当事人的人具有约束力:
(a) 该协议指定的仲裁地位于本条第2 款第(b) 项述及的地点之一;
(b) 该协议载于运输单证或者电子运输记录;
(c) 仲裁地通知已及时、正确地发给受仲裁协议约束的人;并且
(d) 准据法准许该人受该仲裁协议的约束。
.5. The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this article are deemed to be part of every arbitration clause or agreement, and any term of such clause or agreement to the extent that it is inconsistent therewith is void.
本条第1 款、第2 款、第3 款和第4 款的规定,视为每一仲裁条款或者仲裁协议的一部分,此种条款或者协议的规定,凡与其不一致的,一概无效。
Article 76Arbitration agreement in non-liner transportation
第76 条 非班轮运输中的仲裁协议
1. Nothing in this Convention affects the enforceability of an arbitration agreement in a contract of carriage in non-liner transportation to which this Convention or the provisions of this Convention apply by reason of:
(a) The application of article 7; or
(b) The parties’ voluntary incorporation of this Convention in a contract of carriage that would not otherwise be subject to this Convention.
(a) 适用第7 条;或者
(b) 各方当事人自愿在本来不受本公约管辖的运输合同中纳入本公约。
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this article, an arbitration agreement in a transport document or electronic transport record to which this Convention applies by reason of the application of article 7 is subject to this chapter unless such a transport document or electronic transport record:
(a) Identifies the parties to and the date of the charter party or other contract excluded from the application of this Convention by reason of the application of article 6; and
(b) Incorporates by specific reference the clause in the charter party or other contract that contains the terms of the arbitration agreement.
虽有本条第1 款规定,运输单证或者电子运输记录由于适用第7 条而适用本公约的,其中的仲裁协议仍受本章的管辖,除非此种运输单证或者电子运输记录:
(a) 载明了因适用第6 条而被排除在本公约适用范围之外的租船合同或者其他合同的各方当事人和日期;并且
(b) 以具体提及方式纳入了租船合同或者其他合同中载有仲裁协议规定的条款。
Article 77Agreement to arbitrate after a dispute has arisen
第77 条 争议产生后的仲裁协议
Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter and chapter 14, after a dispute has arisen the parties to the dispute may agree to resolve it by arbitration in any place.
虽有本章和第14 章的规定,争议产生后,争议各方当事人仍可以协议约定在任何地点以仲裁方式解决争议。
Article 78 Application of chapter 15 第78 条 第15 章的适用
The provisions of this chapter shall bind only Contracting States that declare in accordance with article 91 that they will be bound by them.
本章的规定只能对根据第91 条声明其将受本章规定约束的缔约国具有约束力。
Chapter 16 Validity of contractual terms 第16 章 合同条款的有效性
Article 79 General provisions 第79 条 一般规定
1. Unless otherwise provided in this Convention, any term in a contract of carriage is void to the extent that it:
(a) Directly or indirectly excludes or limits the obligations of the carrier or a maritime performing party under this Convention;
(b) Directly or indirectly excludes or limits the liability of the carrier or a maritime performing party for breach of an obligation under this Convention; or
(c) Assigns a benefit of insurance of the goods in favour of the carrier or a person referred to in article 18.
1. 除非本公约另有规定,运输合同中的条款,凡有下列情形之一的,一概无效:
(a) 直接或者间接,排除或者限制承运人或者海运履约方在本公约下所承担的义务;
(b) 直接或者间接,排除或者限制承运人或者海运履约方对违反本公约下的义务所负的赔偿责任;或者
(c) 将货物的保险利益转让给承运人或者第18 条述及的人。
2. Unless otherwise provided in this Convention, any term in a contract of carriage is void to the extent that it:
(a) Directly or indirectly excludes, limits or increases the obligations under this Convention of the shipper, consignee, controlling party, holder or documentary shipper; or
(b) Directly or indirectly excludes, limits or increases the liability of the shipper, consignee, controlling party, holder or documentary shipper for breach of any of its obligations under this Convention.
(a) 直接或者间接,排除、限制或者增加托运人、收货人、控制方、持有人或者单证托运人在本公约下所承担的义务;或者
(b) 直接或者间接,排除、限制或者增加托运人、收货人、控制方、持有人或者单证托运人对违反本公约下任何义务所负的赔偿责任。
Article 80 Special rules for volume contracts 第80 条 批量合同特别规则
1. Notwithstanding article 79, as between the carrier and the shipper, a volume contract to which this Convention applies may provide for greater or lesser rights, obligations and liabilities than those imposed by this Convention.
虽有第79 条的规定,在承运人与托运人之间,本公约所适用的批量合同可以约定增加或者减少本公约中规定的权利、义务和赔偿责任。
2.A derogation pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article is binding only when:
(a) The volume contract contains a prominent statement that it derogates from this Convention;
(b) The volume contract is (i) individually negotiated or (ii) prominently specifies the sections of the volume contract containing the derogations;
(c) The shipper is given an opportunity and notice of the opportunity to conclude a contract of carriage on terms and conditions that comply with this Convention without any derogation under this article; and
(d) The derogation is neither (i) incorporated by reference from another document nor (ii) included in a contract of adhesion that is not subject to negotiation.
根据本条第1 款作出的背离,仅在下列情况下具有约束力:
(a) 批量合同载有一则该批量合同背离本公约的明确声明;
(b) 批量合同(i) 是单独协商订立的,或者(ii) 明确指出批量合同中载有背离内容的部分;
(c) 给予了托运人按照符合本公约的条款和条件订立运输合同,而不根据本条作出任何背离的机会,且向托运人通知了此种机会;并且
(d) 背离既不是(i) 以提及方式从另一文件并入,也不是( i i ) 包含在不经协商的附合合同中。
3. A carrier’s public schedule of prices and services, transport document, electronic transport record or similar document is not a volume contract pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article, but a volume contract may incorporate such documents by reference as terms of the contract.
承运人的公开运价表和服务表、运输单证、电子运输记录或者类似文件不是本条第1 款所指的批量合同,但批量合同可以通过提及方式并入此类文件,将其作为合同条款。
4. Paragraph 1 of this article does not apply to rights and obligations provided in articles 14, subparagraphs (a) and (b), 29 and 32 or to liability arising from the breach thereof, nor does it apply to any liability arising from an act or omission referred to in article 61.
本条第1 款既不适用于第14 条第(a) 项和第(b) 项、第29 条和第32 条中规定的权利和义务或者因违反这些规定而产生的赔偿责任,也不适用于因第61 条述及的作为或者不作为而产生的任何赔偿责任。
5. The terms of the volume contract that derogate from this Convention, if the volume contract satisfies the requirements of paragraph 2 of this article, apply between the carrier and any person other than the shipper provided that:
批量合同满足本条第2 款要求的,其中背离本公约的条款,须满足下列条件,方能在承运人与非托运人的其他任何人之间适用:
(a) Such person received information that prominently states that the volume contract derogates from this Convention and gave its express consent to be bound by such derogations; and
(b) Such consent is not solely set forth in a carrier’s public schedule of prices and services, transport document or electronic transport record.
(a) 该人已收到明确记载该批量合同背离本公约的信息,且已明确同意受此种背离的约束;并且
(b) 此种同意不单在承运人的公开运价表和服务表、运输单证或者电子运输记录上载明。
6. The party claiming the benefit of the derogation bears the burden of proof that the conditions for derogation have been fulfilled.
Article 81 Special rules for live animals and certain other goods
第81 条 活动物和某些其他货物特别规则
Notwithstanding article 79 and without prejudice to article 80, the contract of carriage may exclude or limit the obligations or the liability of both the carrier and a maritime performing party if:
(a) The goods are live animals, but any such exclusion or limitation will not be effective if the claimant proves that the loss of or damage to the goods, or delay in delivery, resulted from an act or omission of the carrier or of a person referred to in article 18, done with the intent to cause such loss of or damage to the goods or such loss due to delay or done recklessly and with knowledge that such loss or damage or such loss due to delay would probably result; or
(b) The character or condition of the goods or the circumstances and terms and conditions under which the carriage is to be performed are such as reasonably to justify a special agreement, provided that such contract of carriage is not related to ordinary commercial shipments made in the ordinary course of trade and that no negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record is issued for the carriage of the goods.
虽有第79 条的规定,在不影响第80 条的情况下,运输合同可以排除或者限制承运人和海运履约方的义务或者赔偿责任,条件是:
(a) 货物是活动物,但如果索赔人证明,货物灭失、损坏或者迟延交付,是由于承运人或者第18 条述及的人故意造成此种货物灭失、损坏或者此种迟延损失的作为或者不作为所导致的,或者是明知可能产生此种灭失、损坏或者此种迟延损失而轻率地作为或者不作为所导致的,则任何此种排除或者限制均属无效;或者
(b) 货物的性质或者状况,或者进行运输的情况和条件,使得有合理的理由达成一项特别协议,但此种运输合同不能涉及正常贸易过程中所进行的正常商业货运,且此种货物运输未签发可转让运输单证或者可转让电子运输记录。
Chapter 17 Matters not governed by this Convention
第17 章 本公约不管辖的事项
Article 82 International conventions governing the carriage of goods by other modes of transport
第82 条 管辖其他运输方式货物运输的国际公约
Nothing in this Convention affects the application of any of the following international conventions in force at the time this Convention enters into force, including any future amendment to such conventions, that regulate the liability of the carrier for loss of or damage to the goods:
(a) Any convention governing the carriage of goods by air to the extent that such convention according to its provisions applies to any part of the contract of carriage;
(b) Any convention governing the carriage of goods by road to the extent that such convention according to its provisions applies to the carriage of goods that remain loaded on a road cargo vehicle carried on board a ship;
(c) Any convention governing the carriage of goods by rail to the extent that such convention according to its provisions applies to carriage of goods by sea as a supplement to the carriage by rail; or
(d) Any convention governing the carriage of goods by inland waterways to the extent that such convention according to its provisions applies to a carriage of goods without trans-shipment both by inland waterways and sea.
(a) 任何管辖航空货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于运输合同的任何部分;
(b) 任何管辖公路货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于船载公路货运车辆不卸货的货物运输;
(c) 任何管辖铁路货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于补充铁路运输的海上货物运输;或者
(d) 任何管辖内河航道货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于不在内河航道和海上转船的货物运输。
Article 83 Global limitation of liability 第83 条 赔偿责任总限制
Nothing in this Convention affects the application of any international convention or national law regulating the global limitation of liability of vessel owners.
Article 84General average 第84 条 共同海损
Nothing in this Convention affects the application of terms in the contract of carriage or provisions of national law regarding the adjustment of general average.
Article 85 Passengers and luggage 第85 条 旅客和行李
This Convention does not apply to a contract of carriage for passengers and their luggage.
Article 86 Damage caused by nuclear incident 第86 条 核事故造成的损害
No liability arises under this Convention for damage caused by a nuclear incident if the operator of a nuclear installation is liable for such damage:
(a) Under the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 29 July 1960 as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocols of 16 November 1982 and 12 February 2004, the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 21 May 1963 as amended by the Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention of 21 September 1988 and as amended by theProtocol to Amend the 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 12 September 1997, or the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage of 12 September 1997, including any amendment to these conventions and any future convention in respect of the liability of the operator of a nuclear installation for damage caused by a nuclear incident; or (b) Under national law applicable to the liability for such damage, provided that such law is in all respects as favourable to persons that may suffer damage as either the Paris or Vienna Conventions or the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage.
(a) 经1964 年1 月28 日附加议定书以及1982 年11 月16 日和2004 年2 月12 日议定书修正的1960 年7 月29 日《关于核能领域第三方责任巴黎公约》、经1988 年9 月21 日《关于适用维也纳公约和巴黎公约的联合议定书》修正并经1997 年9 月12 日修正1963 年《核损害民事责任维也纳公约》的议定书修正的1963 年5 月21 日《核损害民事责任维也纳公约》、或者1997 年9 月12 日《关于核损害补充赔偿公约》,包括就核设施经营人对核事故造成损害的赔偿责任对这些公约的任何修正以及这方面的任何新公约;或者
(b) 适用于此类损害赔偿责任的国内法,条件是此种国内法在各方面同《巴黎公约》、《维也纳公约》或者《关于核损害补充赔偿公约》一样有利于可能遭受损害的人。
Chapter 18 Final clauses第18 章 最后条款
Article 87 Depositary 第87 条 保存人
The Secretary-General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the depositary of this Convention.
Article 88 Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
第88 条 签署、批准、接受、核准或者加入
1. This Convention is open for signature by all States at Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on 23 September 2009, and thereafter at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York.
2. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States.
3. This Convention is open for accession by all States that are not signatory States as from the date it is open for signature.
4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval and accession are to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
1. 本公约2009 年9 月23 日在荷兰鹿特丹开放供各国签署,随后在纽约联合国总部开放供各国签署。
2. 本公约须经签署国批准、接受或者核准。
3. 本公约自开放供签署之日起对所有未签署国开放供加入。
4. 批准书、接受书、核准书和加入书应当交存联合国秘书长。
Article 89 Denunciation of other conventions 第89 条 退出其他公约
1. A State that ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention and is a party to the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25 August 1924, to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels on 23 February 1968, or to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading as Modified by the Amending Protocol of 23 February 1968, signed at Brussels on 21 December 1979, shall at the same time denounce that Convention and the protocol or protocols thereto to which it is a party by notifying the Government of Belgium to that effect, with a declaration that the denunciation is to take effect as from the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of that State.
1924 年8 月25 日在布鲁塞尔签署的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》、1968 年2 月23 日在布鲁塞尔签署的修正《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书、或者1979 年12 月21 日在布鲁塞尔签署的修正经1968 年2 月23 日修正议定书修正的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书的缔约国,应当在批准、接受、核准或者加入本公约的同时,通过向比利时政府提供相应的通知,退出已是其缔约国的该公约及其议定书,同时声明退约自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。
2. A State that ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention and is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea concluded at Hamburg on 31 March 1978 shall at the same time denounce that Convention by notifying the Secretary-General of the United Nations to that effect, with a declaration that the denunciation is to take effect as from the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of that State.
1978 年3 月31 日在汉堡缔结的《联合国海上货物运输公约》的缔约国,应当在批准、接受、核准或者加入本公约的同时,通过向联合国秘书长提供相应的通知,退出该公约,同时声明退约自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。
3. For the purposes of this article, ratifications, acceptances, approvals and accessions in respect of this Convention by States parties to the instruments listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article that are notified to the depositary after this Convention has entered into force are not effective until such denunciations as may be required on the part of those States in respect of these instruments have become effective. The depositary of this Convention shall consult with the Government of Belgium, as the depositary of the instruments referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, so as to ensure necessary coordination in this respect.
就本条而言,本条第1 款和第2 款所列文书的缔约国对本公约的批准、接受、核准和加入,凡在本公约生效之后通知保存人的,只有在这些国家按照要求对这些文书的退出生效之后方可生效。
本公约保存人应当与作为本条第1 款所列文书保存人的比利时政府协商,确保这方面的必要协调。
Article 90 Reservations 第90 条 保留
No reservation is permitted to this Convention. 不准许对本公约作出保留。
Article 91 Procedure and effect of declarations 第91 条 声明的程序和效力
1. The declarations permitted by articles 74 and 78 may be made at any time. The initial declarations permitted by article 92, paragraph 1, and article 93, paragraph
2, shall be made at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. No other declaration is permitted under this Convention.
2. Declarations made at the time of signature are subject to confirmation upon ratification, acceptance or approval.
3. Declarations and their confirmations are to be in writing and to be formally notified to the depositary.
4. A declaration takes effect simultaneously with the entry into force of this Convention in respect of the State concerned. However, a declaration of which the depositary receives formal notification after such entry into force takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of its receipt by the depositary.
5. Any State that makes a declaration under this Convention may withdraw it at any time by a formal notification in writing addressed to the depositary. The withdrawal of a declaration, or its modification where permitted by this Convention, takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of the receipt of the notification by the depositary.
1. 第74 条和第78 条所准许的声明,可以在任何时间作出。第92 条第1 款和第93 条第2 款所准许的初步声明,应当在签署、批准、接受、核准或者加入时作出。其他声明,本公约一概不予准许。
2. 在签署时作出的声明,必须在批准、接受或者核准时加以确认。
3. 声明及其确认,应以书面形式作出,且应正式通知保存人。
4. 声明在本公约对有关国家生效时同时生效。但是,保存人于本公约生效后收到正式通知的声明,应于保存人收到该声明之日起六个月期满后的下一个月第一日生效。
5. 根据本公约作出声明的任何国家,可以在任何时间以书面形式正式通知保存人撤回该声明。声明的撤回,或者在本公约准许情况下对声明的更改,于保存人收到该通知之日起六个月期满后的下一个月第一日生效。
Article 92 Effect in domestic territorial units第92 条 对本国领土单位的效力
1. If a Contracting State has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to the matters dealt with in this Convention, it may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that this Convention is to extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them, and may amend its declaration by submitting another declaration at any time.
2. These declarations are to be notified to the depositary and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends.
3. When a Contracting State has declared pursuant to this article that this Convention extends to one or more but not all of its territorial units, a place located in a territorial unit to which this Convention does not extend is not considered to be in a Contracting State for the purposes of this Convention.
4. If a Contracting State makes no declaration pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article, the Convention is to extend to all territorial units of that State.
一缔约国未根据本条第1 款提出声明的,本公约适用于该国的全部领土单位。
Article 93 Participation by regional economic integration organizations
第93 条 区域经济一体化组织的参与
1. A regional economic integration organization that is constituted by sovereign States and has competence over certain matters governed by this Convention may similarly sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention. The regional economic integration organization shall in that case have the rights and obligations of a Contracting State, to the extent that that organization has competence over matters governed by this Convention. When the number of Contracting States is relevant in this Convention, the regional economic integration organization does not count as a Contracting State in addition to its member States which are Contracting States.
2. The regional economic integration organization shall, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, make a declaration to the depositary specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to that organization by its member States. The regional economic integration organization shall promptly notify the depositary of any changes to the distribution of competence, including new transfers of competence, specified in the declaration pursuant to this paragraph.
3. Any reference to a “Contracting State” or “Contracting States” in this Convention applies equally to a regional economic integration organization when the context so requires.
Article 94 Entry into force 第94 条 生效
1. This Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the date of deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
2. For each State that becomes a Contracting State to this Convention after the date of the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the deposit of the appropriate instrument on behalf of that State.
3. Each Contracting State shall apply this Convention to contracts of carriage concluded on or after the date of the entry into force of this Convention in respect of that State.
1. 本公约于第二十份批准书、接受书、核准书或者加入书交存之日起一年期满后的下一个月第一日生效。
2. 一国在第二十份批准书、接受书、核准书或者加入书交存日之后成为本公约缔约国的,本公约于交存该国的相应文书一年期满后的下一个月第一日对该国生效。
3. 运输合同于本公约对一缔约国生效之日或者生效之后订立的,该缔约国应当对其适用本公约。
Article 95 Revision and amendment 第95 条 修订和修正
1. At the request of not less than one third of the Contracting States to this Convention, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene a conference of the Contracting States for revising or amending it.
2. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to this Convention is deemed to apply to the Convention as amended.
1. 在不少于三分之一本公约缔约国的请求下,联合国秘书长应当召开缔约国会议修订或者修正本公约。
2. 本公约修正案生效后交存的任何批准书、接受书、核准书或者加入书,视为适用于经修正的公约。
Article 96 Denunciation of this Convention 第96 条 退出本公约
1. A Contracting State may denounce this Convention at any time by means of a notification in writing addressed to the depositary.
2. The denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the notification is received by the depositary. If a longer period is specified in the notification, the denunciation takes effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary.
1. 缔约国可以通过向保存人发出书面通知,于任何时间退出本公约。
2. 退约于保存人收到通知一年期满后的下一个月第一日生效。通知中指明更长期限的,退约于保存人收到通知后该更长期限期满时生效。
兹由经各国政府正式授权的下列署名全权代表签署本公约, 以昭信守。