建设工程施工合同通用条款(99版中英文 上部分)

General Conditions of Contract of Construction 建设工程施工合同通用条款(99版) GF-1999-0201 中华人民共和国建设部 国家工商管理局 制定 CONTENTS Definitions and Interpretation of Contract Document 一、 词语定义及合同文件 1. Definitions 词语定
General Conditions of Contract of Construction
中华人民共和国建设部  国家工商管理局 制定
Definitions and Interpretation of Contract Document   一、 词语定义及合同文件
1.    Definitions  词语定义
2.    Contract Document and Order of Interpretation   合同文件及解释顺序
3.  Official language and governing laws, standards and codes
II    Rights and Obligations of the OWNER and CONTRACTOR二、 双方一般权利和义务
4.    Engineer    工程师
5.    The appointment and instructions of an Engineer   工程师的委派和指令
6.    Project manager  项目经理
7.    The OWNER responsibilities业主工作
8.    The CONTRACTOR responsibilities承包方工作
III   Construction Program and Time Limit for the Project三、   施工组织设计和工期
9     Progress Schedule进度计划
10.   Commencement and postponement of the work 开工及延期开工
11    Suspension of the construction work暂停施工
12.   Delay of the time limit for the work  工期延误
13    Completion of the construction work    工程竣工
IV    Quality and Inspection四、质量与检验
14.   Engineering quality   工程质量
15.   Inspection and re-do the work    检查和返工
16.   Concealed work and intermediate acceptance    隐蔽工程和中间验收
17    Re-inspection   重新检验
18.   Engineering test run    工程试车
V     Safety of Work  五、安全施工
19.   Safety measures and safety inspection 安全施工与检查
20    Safety Protection安全防护
21    Safety Accident 事故处理
VI    Contract Sum & Payment Methods  六、合同价款与支付
22  Contract Sum & Adjustments     合同价款及调整
23    Down payment for the Works工程预付款
24    Confirmation of engineering quantity工程量的确认
25    Progress Payment (Progress Claim)  工程款(进度款)支付
VII  Supply of material & equipment   七、  材料设备供应
26    Supply of material & equipment by the OWNER 业主供应材料设备
27    Material and equipment purchased by the CONTRACTOR承包方采购材料设备
VIII Alteration of the Works  八、工程变更
28    Alteration of Design   工程设计变更
29    Other alterations 其他变更
30    Confirmation of alteration in price    确定变更价款
IX   Completion and acceptance of the work and final account  九、竣工验收与结算
31    Completion and acceptance of the engineering work    竣工验收
32    Completion of engineering work and final account   竣工结算
33    Engineering work quality guarantee  质量保修
X     Breach of the contract, claim and dispute  十、  违约、索赔和争议
34    Breach of the contract   违约
35    Claim   索赔
36    Dispute  争议
XI    Others  十一、  其他
37    Subcontracting of the engineering work   工程分包
38    Force de majeure   不可抗力
39    Insurance    保险
40    Guarantee    担保
41    Patent and special technology    专利技术及特殊工艺
42    Cultural / historic relic and underground obstacles   文物和地下障碍物
43    Termination of the contract   合同解除
44    The contract goes effective and termination of the contract   合同生效与终止
45    Number of the contract copies   合同份数
46    Supplement Clauses    补充条款
Definitions and Interpretation of Contract Document   一、 词语定义及合同文件
1.    Definitions  词语定义
Unless stated otherwise, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them as follows: -
1.1  General Conditions of Contract: The terms and conditions as stipulated in the General Conditions are in accordance with applicable laws, administrative regulations and are generally applicable to the construction & engineering projects.
通用条款: 是根据法律、行政法规规定及建设工程施工的需要订立,通用于建设工程施工的条款。
1.2   Particular Conditions of Contract: Agreed terms and conditions concluded between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR based on applicable laws and administrative regulations, and mutual agreements reached particularly for this Project.
专用条款: 是发包人与承包人根据法律、行政法规规定,结合具体工程实际,经协商达成一致意见的条款,是对通用条款的具体化、补充或修改。
1.3  OWNER: Person, firm, company or other body named in this Contract as OWNER includes the OWNER's personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. The OWNER possesses the Legal Person Status to enter into Contract and pay the CONTRACTOR.
业主: 指在协议书中约定,具有工程发包主体资格和支付工程价款能力的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。
 1.4   CONTRACTOR: Person, firm, company or other body named in this Contract as CONTRACTOR to whom the Contract has been awarded by the OWNER includes the CONTRACTOR's personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. The CONTRACTOR possesses the Legal Person Status to enter into Contract and carry out the Works.
承包方: 指在协议书中约定,被业主接受的具有工程施工承包主体资格的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。
 1.5  Project Manager: The person who has been appointed by the CONTRACTOR to be responsible for the supervision of the project and contract administration of the Contract named in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
 l. 6  Design Institute: The design institute, holding valid Qualification License, that has been entrusted by the OWNER to provide design services for this project.
 1.7  Supervision Company: The supervision company, holding valid Qualification License, that has been entrusted by the OWNER to provide supervision services for this project.
 1.8   Engineer: The chief supervision engineer appointed by the supervision company to supervise the whole construction work or the representative appointed by the OWNER for the administration of this contract. The Engineer's Limit of Authority shall be defined in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
工程师: 指本工程监理单位委派的总监理工程师或业主指定的履行本合同的代表,其具体身份和职权由业主承包方在专用条款中约定。
 1.9   Construction Prices Administration Department: Administration Department of the State Council, construction management department of people government at county level and over, or any other construction price administrative department entrusted by the people government at various levels.
工程造价管理部门: 指国务院有关部门、县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门或其委托的工程造价管理机构。
 1.10   Works: The Scope of Works as stipulated in this contract entered into between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR.
 1:11  Contract Sum: The sum that has been agreed upon by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR in this Contract. The sum to be paid by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR who has completed the Works as per contract terms and conditions and is responsible to make good any defects within the defects liability period.
1.12 Additional Contract Sum: In the course of the implementation of the contract, additional contract sum is incurred, which shall be calculated and added to the original contract sum in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.
1.13  Expense: Any expenses, whether the expenses should be born by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR, that are not included in the Contract Sum;
1.14  Contract Period: The total calendar days (including public holidays) agreed by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR in the contract to be needed for the whole construction work.
1.15   Date of Commencement of Work: The date agreed by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR in the contract to commence the Contract Works.
1.16  Date for Completion: The date agreed by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR in the contract to complete the Contract Works.
1.17   Drawings: The drawings (including related notes and material) provided by the OWNER or by the CONTRACTOR with approval by the OWNER, required for the contraction of the contract works.
1.18  Construction Site: The place provided by the OWNER to be used for the construction of the project, which is clearly stipulated in the drawings.
1.19 Written Documents:  Means Contract Documents, letters and digital telecommunications and digital telecommunication (such as cable, telex, fax, electronic digital exchange and E-mail, etc.) capable of reducing oral agreement into written form.
1.20  Liability for Breach of Contract: The liability that the either party shall be responsible for not honoring their respective contractual obligations or not fully discharge their contractual obligations.
1.21  Claim: In the course of implementation of the contract, any loss and/or expenses incurred by the innocent party shall be compensated by the default party and the Contract Period shall be extended accordingly.
1.22  Force de majeure: Any occurrences that cannot be foreseen, or avoided or overcome.
1.23   Hour or Date:  If hour is regarded as a unit in this contract, which shall be calculated from the effective time (excluding time for rest); If a date is used as a calculation unit, the starting date shall not be calculated, but calculating from the second date. If the time limit last date is a rest day or a public holiday, then the next date to the rest day or a public day shall be regarded as the final date except for the completion date. The time limit of final day shall be 24:00 hour of the final day.
2.    Contract Document and Order of Interpretation   合同文件及解释顺序
2.l   The documents in the contract shall be mutually explanatory to each other. Apart from those stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract, the interpretation of the document in this contract shall be according to the following order: -
合同文件应能相互解释, 互为说明。除专用条款另有约定外,组成本合同的文件及优先解释顺序如下:
l.     Articles of Agreement    本合同协议书
2.    Particular Conditions of Contract    本合同专用条款
3     General Conditions of Contract   本合同通用条款
4     Standards, Codes of Practice and relevant technical data / sheets
5     Contract Drawings  图纸
6     Bills of Quantities 工程报价单或预算书
In the course of implementation of the contract, any negotiations or changes reducing into document or written record of negotiation and variation between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to be the integral part of the contract.
2.2 When there is any inconsistency or discrepancy appeared in the Contract Document, both the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall endeavor to reach settlement on the conditions that the progress of Works are not affected. Both parties can also request the supervision engineer to interpret the inconsistency or discrepancy arisen.  In the event that both parties cannot reach mutual agreement or disagree with the interpretation of the supervision engineer then the disputes shall be dealt with as per Clause 37 of the General Conditions of Contract.
当合同文件内容含糊不清或不相一致时, 在不影响工程正常进行的情况下,由业主承包方协商解决。双方也可以提请负责监理的工程师作出解释。双方协商不成或不同意负责监理的工程师作出解释。双方协商不成或不同意负责监理的工程师的解释时,按本通用条款第37条关于争议的约定处理。
3.  Official language and governing laws, standards and codes
3.1 Language语言文字
This contract is in English and is interpreted in Chinese language. If two or more languages are stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract for the contract document and, then Chinese language shall be regarded as a standard language for interpretation of the Contract Document.
In the minority nationalities area, the two parties can reach an agreement that the contract to be made and interpreted in the language of a minority nationality.
3.2   Governing laws and regulations适用法律和法规
This contract is in conformity with current state laws and administrative regulations. Particular provisions of laws and regulations shall be clearly stipulated and defined in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
 3.3   Standards and Codes适用标准、规范
The standards and codes to be adopted shall be agreed by the two parties in the Particular Conditions of Contract; if no such standards or codes are stipulated in the contract, the two parties shall agree of the standards and codes of the respective industries. The OWNER shall provide the CONTRACTOR a list of the standards and codes to be adopted in the works in two copies within the deadline as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
If there is no such corresponding standards or codes in the country, the OWNER shall provide the CONTRACTOR with the technical requirements within the deadline as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the technical standards to the OWNER for approval and execute the Works in accordance with the approved technical standards after approval by the OWNER. If the OWNER requires that foreign standards or codes to be adopted, then the OWNER is responsible to provide the CONTRACTOR with the Chinese version of the relevant standards or codes
The OWNER shall be responsible for any expenses incurred in purchase and translation of these standards and codes or the technical standards.
II    Rights and Obligations of the OWNER and CONTRACTOR二、 双方一般权利和义务
4.    Engineer    工程师
4.l    If the project engineering to be carried out under supervision system, the OWNER shall inform the CONTRACTOR in written form the name of supervision company, scopes of supervision work and the supervision limits of authority.
实行工程监理的, 业主应在实施监理前将委托的监理单位名称、监理内容及监理权限以书面形式通知承包方。
4.2   The chief supervisor entrusted by the supervision company for this project is entitled as Engineer in this contract.  His name, post, functions and power shall be indicated by the OWNER in the Particular Conditions of Contract. The Engineer shall execute his functions and power as required in the Particular Conditions of Contract. The OWNER requires that the Engineer shall have approval from the OWNER when implementing some of his functions and power. The appointment of the Engineer shall have approval by the OWNER.
4.3   The person sent to the construction site by the OWNER as its representative for the implementation of the contract is also called as Engineer. His name, post, functions and power shall be indicated in the Particular Conditions of Contract by the OWNER. His functions and power shall not be overlapped with those of the Engineer appointed by the supervision company. Whenever overlapping functions and power found or they are not clear, the OWNER shall be responsible for the clarification and inform the CONTRACTOR in written form.
4.4   In the implementation of the contract, any conflict between the OWNER and CONTRACTOR in the field of rights and obligations, the supervision Engineer shall deal with the case in just and fair manner and within his functions and power. If either party has objection to the settlement result by the supervision Engineer, it can be settled as per Clause 37 on dispute.
合同履行中, 发生影响业主承包方双方权利或义务的事件时,负责监理的工程师应依据合同在其职权范围内客观公正地进行处理。一方对工程师的处理有异议时,按本通用条款第37条关于争议的约定处理。
4.5   Apart from those clearly stipulated in the contract or approval by the OWNER, the supervision Engineer has no right to rescind any rights and obligations of the OWNER that has been agreed in the contract.
除合同内有明确约定或经业主同意外, 负责监理的工程师无权解除本合同约定的承包方的任何权利与义务。
4.6   If no supervision system is applied over the construction work, the term Engineer means the representative appointed by the OWNER to the construction site for the implementation of the contract, whose specific functions and power shall be indicated by the OWNER in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
不实行工程监理的, 本合同中工程师专指业主派驻施工场地履行合同的代表,其具体职权由业主在专用条款内写明。
5.    The appointment and instructions of an Engineer   工程师的委派和指令
5.1   The Engineer Representative can entrust an engineer representative to execute his functions and power indicated in the contract and can remove such entrustment when necessary. The OWNER shall inform the CONTRACTOR such entrustment or removal 7 days in advance. The supervision Engineer shall inform the OWNER the entrustment or removal of a representative. The letter of entrustment and removal shall be kept as an integrated part of the contract.
工程师可委派工程师代表, 行使合同约定的自己的职权, 并可在认为必要时撤回委派。委派和撤回均应提前7天以书面形式通知承包方,负责监理的工程师还应将委派和撤回通知业主。委派书和撤回通知作为本合同附件。
Any written form letter or material to the OWNER by the representative of the Engineer have equal effect as those issued by the Engineer himself When the CONTRACTOR has any doubt over the written form letter and material, they can submit such letter or material to the Engineer himself for confirmation. When these instructions proved to be incorrect, the Engineer shall correct them accordingly.
None but the Engineer or his representative has right to issue instructions for the contract.
5.2   The Engineer instructions, notice to be signed by himself and submit to the project manager. The instructions become effective after the signature by the project manager at the time of reception. When necessary the Engineer can issue verbal instruction, which shall be confirmed within 24 hours, the CONTRACTOR should carry out the verbal instruction accordingly. If the Engineer is unable to confirm his verbal instruction in time, then the CONTRACTOR shall request a written confirmation from the Engineer within 7 days after the verbal instruction released. The verbal instruction shall be deemed to be confirmed if the Engineer does feedback his confirmation within 48 hours after the receipt of the request.
工程师的指令、 通知由其本人签字后,以书面形式交给项目经理,项目经理在回执上签署姓名和收到时间后生效。确有必要时,工程师可发出口头指令,并在48小时内给予书面确认,承包方对工程师的指令应予执行。工程师不能及时给予书面确认的,承包方应于工程师发出口头指令后7天内提出书面确认要求。工程师在承包方提出确认要求后48小时内不予答复的,视为口头指令已被确认。
 When the CONTRACTOR hold that the instruction issued by the Engineer is irrational, they shall submit a written report to the Engineer for the revision of the instruction within 24 hours after the receipt of the instruction, the Engineer shall clearly response to this report, either re-issue in written the revised instruction or the decision to maintain original instruction unchanged. Under some critical conditions, the Engineer demands that the CONTRACTOR immediately carry out his instruction while the CONTRACTOR put forward their doubt over it, but the Engineer insists on his instruction to be implemented, in such case the CONTRACTOR shall carry out the instruction. The OWNER shall be responsible for any additional variation to the contract sum resulting from the implementation of the wrong instruction and the construction progress shall be duly postponed.
The above term is also applicable to the instruction or notice issued by the Engineer representative.
5.3   The Engineer shall issue timely instructions to the CONTRACTOR and approve other obligations as stipulated in the contract. The OWNER shall be responsible for any additional cost to the contract sum and the postponement of the work progress and relevant loss incurred because of the Engineer fails to implement his obligations as required in the contract.
5.4   If there is need to change the place of the Engineer, the OWNER shall inform the CONTRACTOR this decision at least 7 days in advance   
6.    Project manager  项目经理
6.1   Name and post of the project manager shall be indicated in the Particular Conditions of Contract
6.2   Any instruction issued by the CONTRACTOR as stipulated in the contract shall be in written form and signed by the project manager and pass to the Engineer. The instruction goes effective at the time when the Engineer signs his name on the receipt.
承包方依据合同发出的通知, 以书面形式由项目经理签字后送交工程师,工程师在回执上签署姓名和收到时间后生效。
6.3     The project manager organizes the construction work as per the construction program approved by the OWNER and the instructions issued by the Engineer as required in the contract. When impossible to contact with the Engineer, the project manager shall first take emergent measures to protect the life of the workers in the site and ensure the property safety of the project and submit a report about it to the Engineer within 48 hours of the measures taken. If the OWNER or the third party is responsible for this, they shall be responsible for the additional cost to the contract sum and postponement of progress duly; if the CONTRACTOR is responsible for it, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any cost incurred and the progress schedule shall not be postponed.
6.4   If the CONTRACTOR wishes to change the place of the Project manager, they shall inform the OWNER at least 7 days in advance and obtain the approval from the OWNER. The successor shall execute all the functions and power of his predecessor and implement his obligations as required in the contract.
6.5   The OWNER can put forward their suggestion to change the project manager via negotiation with the CONTRACTOR when they think that the project manager does not deserve his post.
业主可以与承包方协商, 建议更换其认为不称职的项目经理。
7.    The OWNER responsibilities业主工作
7.1   The OWNER shall complete the following work within the deadline as required in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
 7.1.1     Complete the procedure of land requisition, compensation for the original occupants and leveling of the site to meet the construction requirement and continue to be responsible for the settlement of any practical problems arising therefrom.
 7.1.2     Temporary power / water / telecommunication line tie-in to the designated spots in the construction site from outside as specified in the Particular Conditions of Contract so as to ensure the construction requirement.
7.1.3       Road access to the site from public traffic road system and main road in the site area as specified in the Particular Conditions of Contract so as to meet the requirement for the construction work and ensure easy access to the site.
7.1.4       Provide the CONTRACTOR any data of geological survey and underground piping / cable system. The OWNER shall ensure that the data they provide is true and authentic.
7.1.5       Completion of the procedures for any permit certificates for the construction of the project and any relevant approved document from the local authorities and obtain the approval certificate necessary for the construction work such as temporary land use permit, application for temporary cut off power / water supply, temporary blockade of traffic road and carry out explosion work (excluding the qualification certificate for the CONTRACTOR).
 7.1.6     Confirmation of bench mark and coordinate control point, and inform the CONTRACTOR the above data in written form and jointly re-check at the site.
7.1.7       Organize a joint drawings review with design institute and the CONTRACTOR and put all the technical information to be known on the table.
7.1.8       Coordinate and settle the problems between the underground piping / cable system and the nearby construction buildings (including the ancient buildings and structure to be protected and preserved) and famous ancient trees, the OWNER is responsible for any relevant cost incurred.
 7.1.9     Any other work and responsibilities to be stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract by the two parties.
7.2   The OWNER can entrust the CONTRACTOR to complete the work and responsibilities in Clause 7.1, which shall be indicated in the Particular Conditions of Contract and the cost for the work shall be on the OWNER account.
7.3   If the OWNER fails to implement the work and responsibilities set in Clause 7.1 and result in the delay of the construction progress, they shall be responsible for any loss incurred to the CONTRACTOR and the construction progress schedule shall be duly postponed.
8.    The CONTRACTOR responsibilities承包方工作
8.1   The CONTRACTOR shall complete the following work within the designated limit of time as stipulated in the Special Provisions.
 8.1.1     According to the entrustment of the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR can complete construction drawings or some auxiliary design within their qualification grade and business scope, the OWNER will be responsible for the expense incurred when the above work is confirmed the OWNER.
8.1.2       Submit to the Engineer the annual / quarterly / monthly progress schedule and relevant progress statistics report.
 8.1.3     Provide lighting and barricade facilities applied during night overwork and security personnel for the work.
 8.1.4     Provide the OWNER site office space and some living facilities as stipulated in the Special Provisions, but the expense incurred shall be on the OWNER account.
 8.1.5     Adhere administrative regulations on construction site traffic, noise control and environmental protection and safety work issued by the local authorities and complete required procedures, and inform the OWNER in written form of their work, the OWNER shall be responsible for any expense incurred except the fine and penalty sum resulting from the fault of the CONTRACTOR.
8.1.6       As per the stipulations set in the Special Provisions the CONTRACTOR is required to protect the finished item of work that has not yet been formerly accepted. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any damage and repair work; if the OWNER requires the CONTRACTOR to take special care on the protection of some items of work, additional cost shall be added to the contract sum, which shall be stipulated in the Special Provisions.
8.1.7       Take proper measures to protect underground piping / cable system, buildings, structure and ancient trees around (including ancient buildings) as stipulated in the Special Provisions.
8.1.8       Good house-keeping at construction site and adhere regulations on environmental protection and hygiene, clean the construction site at the time of handing-over to the requirement as set in the Special Provisions and is responsible for any penalty resulting from the fault of their own.
8.1.9       Any other work as agreed by the both parties as required in the Special Provisions
8.2   The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any loss to the OWNER resulting from the fault of the CONTRACTOR when implementing the responsibilities in Clause 8.1
III   Construction Program and Time Limit for the Project三、   施工组织设计和工期
9     Progress Schedule进度计划
9.1   The CONTRACTOR is required to submit construction program for the work and progress schedule to the Engineer within the deadline stipulated in the Special Provisions. The Engineer shall confirm or put forward his comments over the construction program and progress schedule within the deadline as stipulated in the Special Provisions. If they are not confirmed or the Engineer does not provide his comments over them, it shall be deemed to be approved.
9.2   The single item of work in a complex engineering work to be built by stages, the CONTRACTOR shall compile the progress schedule for separate item of work as per the drawings supplied by the OWNER and the relevant material, the specific contents of which is agreed by the both parties in the Particular Conditions.
9.3   The CONTRACTOR shall proceed their work as per the progress schedule already confirmed by the Engineer and shall accept the inspection and supervision from the Engineer. When the actual construction progress is not in conformity with the confirmed progress schedule, the CONTRACTOR is required to submit the improvement measures as per the requirement by the Engineer and precede the work after the confirmation from the Engineer. The CONTRACTOR shall not raise any request for the additional cost for the improvement measures taken because of delayed construction progress totally out of their fault.
10.   Commencement and postponement of the work 开工及延期开工
10.1 The CONTRACTOR shall start the construction work on the date already stipulated in the agreement. When the CONTRACTOR find unable to start the work as required, they shall submit an application of the postponement of commencement of work and put forward the reason 7 days prior to the scheduled date. The Engineer shall make a reply to the CONTRACTOR for their application in written form within 48 hours at the receipt of the application. If the Engineer does not reply to this application within 48 hours it shall be deemed that the Engineer has approved their application and the construction progress shall be duly postponed. If the Engineer does not agree the postponement of the construction progress or the CONTRACTOR does not put forward their application within stipulated time, the original construction progress shall not be postponed.
10.2 In case the construction work cannot start as per scheduled date in the agreement out of the fault on the part of the OWNER, the Engineer shall inform the CONTRACTOR in written form that the commencement of work shall be postponed. The OWNER shall be responsible for the loss incurred and the construction progress shall be duly postponed.
11    Suspension of the construction work暂停施工
When the Engineer deems it necessary to suspend the construction work, he shall inform the CONTRACTOR in written form to suspend the work and put forward written comments to deal with the issue within 48 hours. The CONTRACTOR shall suspend the work as required and make proper care to protect the finished work. When the CONTRACTOR has proceeded what the Engineer requested, they can submit the written request to resume the work, the Engineer shall make a reply to this request within 48 hours at the receipt of the request. If the Engineer cannot provide the proposal over it or fails to give a firm reply to it within 48 hours, the CONTRACTOR can resume the construction work at their will. Any suspension of work results from the fault of the OWNER, they shall be responsible for the additional cost incurred and the construction progress be postponed accordingly; the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any cost incurred for the suspension of work due to the fault on their part, and the construction progress shall not be postponed.
12.   Delay of the time limit for the work  工期延误
12.1 Time limit for the work shall be postponed for the one of the following reasons with the confirmation by the Engineer.
12.1.1     The OWNER fails to provide the CONTRACTOR drawings and necessary conditions for carrying out the construction work as stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract;
12.1.2     The CONTRACTOR fails to pay the CONTRACTOR down payment, progress claim within the designated period thus affect the CONTRACTOR to carry out their normal construction work.
12.1.3     Normal work is unable to be carried out due to the Engineer not issuing instructions or approval to the CONTRACTOR as per terms stipulated in the contract.
12.1.4     Design change result in additional work load.设计变更和工程量增加;
12.1.5   Power / water / gas supply failure which affecting the works for more than accumulated 8 hours within one week not due to the fault of  the CONTRACTOR.
12.1.6     Force de majeure.不可抗力;
12.1.7     Any other reasons that have already been stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract or approved by the Engineer;
12.2 When case in Clause 12.1 occurs, the CONTRACTOR is required to submit a report on the delay of the work progress to the Engineer within 14 days. The Engineer shall reply and give opinion within 14 days after the receipt of the report, if the Engineer does not do so within the designated period, it shall be deemed that the Engineer has agreed their report and the work progress can be postponed.
13    Completion of the construction work    工程竣工
13.1 The CONTRACTOR shall complete the work by the date as per the stipulation in the contract or per the postponed date agreed by the Engineer
13.2 The construction work cannot be completed by the date as per the stipulation in the contract or per the postponed date agreed by the Engineer for the CONTRACTOR reason, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the liability of breach of the contract.
13.3 If necessary, the OWNER requests the construction work to be completed ahead of the schedule, an agreement concluded by the two parties is required on this issue, which shall be an integrated part of the whole contract. This agreement on earlier completion of the contractual work shall include measures to be taken by the CONTRACTOR to ensure the work quality and safety work while the OWNER shall provide necessary conditions for earlier completion of the work and the sum of additional cost for this earlier completion of work.
IV    Quality and Inspection四、质量与检验
14.   Engineering quality   工程质量
14.1 The engineering quality shall meet the designated requirement as stipulated in the agreement, engineering quality verification is based on State Standards currently applicable. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any quality defects not up to the required standards.
14.2 In the event that there are any disputes arising from the quality of works, both parties agree to submit the disputes to the Quality Control Station for disputes settlement. Any costs incurred shall be born by the defaulting parties. If both parties are liable then the costs shall be shared according to the degree of faults. 
15.   Inspection and re-do the work    检查和返工
15.l  The CONTRACTOR is required to carry out the construction work strictly as per standards, codes and requirement in the drawings and instructions from the Engineer. They should provide any convenient conditions for the OWNER to inspect the work at any time.
15.2 Once the Engineer finds any of the engineering work is not in conformity with the required standard, he shall instruct the CONTRACTOR to tear down the unqualified item of work and re-do it again and the CONTRACTOR shall follow the Engineer instructions to tear down the sub-engineering work and re-do it again. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cost incurred if they are responsible for the poor work quality in the case and the work progress shall not be postponed.
15.3 The Engineer shall not affect normal work of the CONTRACTOR in the course of his inspection work. If the inspection does affect the normal work of the CONTRACTOR, and the work later to be unqualified, then the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cost resulting from the inspection work. In other cases the OWNER shall be responsible for the cost incurred because of inspection work and the work progress shall be postponed accordingly.
15.4 The OWNER shall bear additional cost in the contract value incurred due to wrong instructions the Engineer issued or any other reasons not by the CONTRACTOR.
16.   Concealed work and intermediate acceptance    隐蔽工程和中间验收
16.1 When the engineering is under concealed condition or is ready for intermediate acceptance as per the terms set in Particular Conditions of Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall first make a self-inspection, and inform the Engineer in written form for acceptance 24 hours prior to the concealment and intermediate acceptance. The notice shall consist of the following contents such as contents of the acceptance, place and date and time of the acceptance. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare the acceptance records. If the acceptance proves to be qualified, the engineer shall sign on the acceptance record form and the CONTRACTOR may resume their concealed work. If the work proves unqualified, the CONTRACTOR shall repair or re-do the work within the period designated by the Engineer for the following re-acceptance.
16.2 If the Engineer is unable to carry out the inspection works, then the Engineer should inform the CONTRACTOR 24 hours in advance. In any event the extension should not be more than 48 hours. If the Engineer can not give notice in accordance with the above procedures and no inspection works were carried out, then the CONTRACTOR can organize the inspection and the Engineer is obliged to accept the CONTRACTOR's written records.
16.3 The engineering work is accepted to be qualified by the Engineer and the work is in conformity with the required standard / code and design requirement. The acceptance record shall be duly signed by the Engineer, if the acceptance record is not signed by the Engineer within 24 hours, it shall be deemed that the Engineer agreed the record, so the CONTRACTOR can resume their concealed work
17    Re-inspection   重新检验
Whether the engineering work is accepted by the Engineer or not, the Engineer can request the re-inspection for the concealed work, the CONTRACTOR shall tear open or drill the concealed work for re-inspection as required and renew the work. If the re-inspection proves qualified, the OWNER shall bear the additional cost incurred and the work progress duly postponed; if the re-inspection proves the work unqualified, the CONTRACTOR shall bear all the expense therefrom and the work progress shall not be postponed.
18.   Engineering test run    工程试车
18.1 The content of the test run over the engineering as agreed by the both parties shall be in conformity with the contractual scope of work for the installation by the CONTRACTOR
18.2       If the installation work is ready for single machine load-free test run, the CONTRACTOR shall organize such test run and inform the Engineer in written form 48 hours prior to the test run. This notice shall consist of the test run content, date / time and place for the test run. The CONTRACTOR is required to prepare test run record and the OWNER shall provide necessary conditions and facilities for the test run work. If the test run proves qualified, the Engineer shall sign his name on the test run record.
18.3 If the Engineer fails to attend the test run in time, he shall inform the CONTRACTOR in written form 24 hours prior to the test run, but such postponement shall not be longer than 48 hours. If the Engineer fails to inform the CONTRACTOR within the designated period for postponement of test run and does not attend the test run, it shall be deemed that the Engineer agreed the test run record.
18.4 When the installation work is ready for a load-free integrated test run, the OWNER shall organize this work and inform the CONTRACTOR in written form 48 hours prior to the test run. The notice shall consist of the content and the date / time and place of the test run. The CONTRACTOR shall make well-considered preparatory work. If the test run proves qualified, the test run record shall be signed by the both parties.
18.5 Responsibilities of the both parties双方责任
18.5.1     If the test run does not conform to the acceptance requirement because of the fault of the original design, the OWNER shall request the design institute to modify the design and the CONTRACTOR shall re-install the equipment as per the revised design. The OWNER shall bear all expense for modification of design, tearing down of the work and re-installation and add extra cost for the contract sum, the work progress shall be duly postponed.
18.5.2     If the test run does not reach the requirement for the acceptance due to equipment manufacturing fault, the equipment supplier shall be responsible for the purchase of the new equipment or repair work while the CONTRACTOR is responsible for tear down and re-installation work. If such equipment is purchased by the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all the cost for the new purchase of the equipment, tear down work and re-installation, but the work progress shall not be postponed. If the equipment is purchased by the OWNER, the OWNER shall bear all the above mentioned cost, add extra cost for the contract value and postpone the work progress duly.
18.5.3     If the test run is not in conformity with the acceptance requirement due to the CONTRACTOR's fault, the CONTRACTOR shall re-install the work and make the test run again and bear all the cost incurred, the work progress shall not be postponed.
18.5.4     The OWNER shall be responsible for all the expense incurred with the exception of those already included in the contract sum and stipulated in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
18.5.5     If the qualified test runs acceptance record is not signed by the Engineer within 24 hours after the test run, it can be deemed to be approved by the Engineer, so the CONTRACTOR can resume their work or proceed to complete the acceptance procedures.
18.6 Load test run shall be carried out by the OWNER after the engineering work has been formally accepted. If the OWNER wishes to carry out the test run prior to the acceptance and needs cooperation from the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER shall have the approval from the CONTRACTOR and the supplement agreement to be signed by both parties.
V     Safety of Work  五、安全施工
19.   Safety measures and safety inspection 安全施工与检查
19.l  The CONTRACTOR shall adhere the relevant regulations on safety work in the construction work and strictly carry out the work as per safety codes and is always ready to accept the safety inspection and supervision, apply safety measures to prevent any potential safety accident. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cost resulting from the neglect of the safety work by the CONTRACTOR.
19.2 Proceed safety orientation among the workers and staff in the construction site and shall be responsible for their personal safety. The OWNER shall not require the CONTRACTOR to precede the construction work under violation of safety regulations. The OWNER shall bear all the responsibilities and the expense incurred due to their fault.
20    Safety Protection安全防护
20.1 The CONTRACTOR is required to provide safety facilities and measures prior to the construction work or at the equipment such as power equipment, power transmission line, underground piping, sealed and vibration-proof workshop, work area exposed to combustibles and explosives or adjacent to the traffic street., the CONTRACTOR shall submit a safety measure report to the Engineer and they can only start the work after the approval by the Engineer. The CONTRACTOR shall bear all the expense on the safety facilities work at work site.
20.2 When carrying out the work in the fields of explosion, and under the environment of radioactive and poisonous material (including storage, transport and application) or application of poisonous and corrosive material, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a written notice to the Engineer 14 days prior to the construction work attached with proposed measures and methods to be taken in the work, the CONTRACTOR can proceed the work after the approval by the Engineer. The CONTRACTOR shall bear all the expense for the safety prevention measures and facilities.
21    Safety Accident 事故处理
21.1 The CONTRACTOR shall report the department concerned immediately and at the same inform the Engineer for any major safety accident of death and injury and settle the accident as per the requirement by the local authorities. The cost incurred to be born by the party concerned.
21.2 When there is dispute on who will be responsible for the accident between the two parties, it shall be decided by the decision from the department concerned.