
China steel groups merger set to exceed US output 宝武拟收购马钢 产量将超美国总量 中国最大钢铁公司拟与国内竞争对手合并,缔造一家新的钢铁集团,其产量将超过美国钢铁业去年的总产量。


A planned merger of China’s largest steelmaker and a domestic rival is set to create a group whose combined production exceeded that of the entire US steel industry last year, as Beijing pushes forward with efforts to consolidate its vast steel sector.



According to a stock exchange filing on Sunday, China Baowu Steel Group will buy a majority stake in smaller producer Magang Steel to strengthen its “international competitiveness”. The value of the deal was not disclosed.

根据周日提交给证交所的一份文件,中国宝武钢铁集团(China Baowu Steel Group,简称“宝武”)将收购规模较小的马钢(Magang Steel)的多数股权,以增强其“国际竞争力”。该交易的价值没有披露。


The two companies had combined crude steel output last year of 87m tonnes, surpassing total US steel output of 86.6m tonnes, according to World Steel Association data.

根据世界钢铁协会(World Steel Association)的数据,这两家公司去年的合计粗钢产量为8700万吨,超过美国8660万吨的全国总产量。
